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Gone for a while

Guest Guest_Switch

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Guest Guest_Switch
... i'm not sure the forums would be the same without your... unique style of modding.


Bad luck again pal. See you back here soon :D

"Unique style"? Would that be doing absolutely nothing? :P


And don't worry about passwords - we got the computer working again temporarily and I was able to back them all up onto disk...


Anyways, just thought I'd drop in and say hi :P the computer is still out of action, it's been sort of up and down. We finally got them to take it away about 4 days ago, hopefully we'll have it back and fully working within the next week (though no promises :P)


Thanks Malchik, yes nothing is working, so I'll have to rely on that promise :P


As for giving up being head n00b greeter - you know that'll never happen :P I may not get in first anymore but I still make it policy to spa-...um... answer every thread ;) of course I don't think I'll bother with the ones from 1-2 weeks ago, that would be too much like necromancy :P


Anywho, hope to be back in action soon, but expect not to see me for another week...

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Right, I'm back in business after 5 weeks of internetlessness :P computer seems to be working fine now after 2 reformats and hours of fiddling about. All this caused by just one 2 second powercut! I am so getting a UPS, ASAP.


It's great to be back :D

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