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Bashed Patch prevents mod settings


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Hello everyone. Let me explain what i do.


I am using Mod Organizer 2 and i am following this steps


1-) I have downloaded x mod (let us say mod that removes armor on dragon priests masks)

2-) I am activating it

3-) Testing in the game and it is working

4-) Then i am running Wrye Bash, rebuild patch and it says "following mods disabling etc etc" and it is disabling this mod too.

5-) After patch complete i can see this mod's esp in the Bashed Patch, 0.esp file (enabled masters: x mod)

6-) When i enter the game, it is not working


It happens on many mods. What should i do?


Actually i don't know what is actually doing (wyre bash) is it combines the plugins for the use together? (for example A mod adding new enemies, B mod is doing the same but if you put B after the A, it overrides A but if we can use bashed patch, it combines both of them. Correct me if i am wrong)


Question 2


What should i do with this file? oVW50o.jpg Should i right click, create mod, enter the name and activate the mod?

1-) What will happens if i do that?

2-) What will happens if i don't do that?


No more i cannot trust my english after i have faced with many errors. This is why i have created topic.

Edited by VulcanTR
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