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Can anyone tell me where these painting files come from?


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I found these nice painting files in my mesh folder, in a folder called DarkHorse. They are undoubtably from one of the many player homes that I've tried out but I don't know which one.


I'd like to get the artists permission to use them in my mod and to give them credit for their work. I'd appreciate it if anyone could identify who made these because I really don't want to go through the dozens of player home mods that I've tried to find out. It's a long shot but I thought I'd ask.






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I officially declare this question answered! xD


lovely paintings too, and thanks to girlgamer55 for that link!...now i got some nice art to add into some of my homes :)....shooting a kudos your way!


oh and @zenogeist.......This is a resource only, and may be used freely provided credit is given to me....thats a quote from the mods page, so you dont need to ask the dude for permission, just mention his name in your mods credits and maybe put up a link so people can see his mod and shoot him an endorse :)

Edited by tredmillion
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Thanks. That was a fast response.


its the nexus dude! people are online at all hours, and we have a brilliant community who are always happy to help :)...enjoy your stay here :)

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I will be adding a new resource pack for paintings, though it will only include 2 .nif files, the normal maps for them and 2 textures that are just saying the size. an example is in one of my mods. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17776


If you like i can add a preliminary resource package if you want more variety in frames and paintings..

Edited by jet4571
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I will be adding a new resource pack for paintings, though it will only include 2 .nif files, the normal maps for them and 2 textures that are just saying the size. an example is in one of my mods. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17776


If you like i can add a preliminary resource package if you want more variety in frames and paintings..


hell the more paintings the better! nice new frames are always welcome, same with new pictures :)....hurrah for modders resources!.....also nice mod :) looks really cool :turned:

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