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some quests repeating


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Lately I've been seeing some quests repeating. This is happening with the Companions...I've done Animal Extermination several times and each time it is completed successfully and I collect a reward. But when I come back looking for work Aela, Vilkas, Farkas, they're all giving me jobs I've already done. Vilkas just asked me to kill an escaped prisoner outside of Markarth for the second time.


I've killed the giant at Guldun Rock several times and seen the joker fellow outside of Lorcius Farm twice...completing his quest once. I've backed out of quests given out at taverns because I've already done them.


On the other hand several quest either can't be completed or have been completed but don't show that way in the journal. I know some of them are glitched and really the repeating quest bother me more. But it does seem all of a piece.


I don't have any modes installed.


Has anyone else seen this kind of thing?


On PC...

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Radiant Quests do repeat.


These radiant quests used to annoy me because of the fact that it doesn't go away from my quest journal under the miscellaneous section.


@ Georgiegril

Do you happen to know if these repeating quests ever end?

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interesting blog To my knowledge, no. The link is an interesting article about that.


I think people would get bored and start over with a new character, though, because the radiant quests are only minimally different and get to feeling repetitive--probably not enough to keep people going longer than after all the main questlines are finished. I think they are useful for stretching the game out, though.

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