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Animated Prostitution (NPCs go back to their default armor/clothes [not removing clothes option])


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So I've installed Animated Prostituion (Yes, I'm a piece of s#*! loser) and proceeded to do the deed with female npcs with the option to not remove armor during intercourse. I've given Lydia, armor to wear during sex with the "keep clothes on" option but whenever I try to f*#@ her she removes the armor I gave her and goes back to steel armor. Any idea how to fix this?

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First of all, "immersion" doesn't make you a loser. From what little I've seen of the mod, those animations are a bit too bland to really be much else than immersion. As for that particular problem, my guess would be some kind of a scripting error (not that I'm an expert). So my first assumption is either another mod is in conflict or your missing a crucial requirement for the mod. When I was in a similar situation I was advised to use Wyre Bash to find potential conflicts. Admittedly, I'm still not the most familiar with how to use Wyre bash but it did help solve most of my problems (for a time, then I started changing things again). It might help to know some of the other mods you're using, at least the ones that use scripts.


A link for Wyre Bash. There is also a tutorial floating around here somewhere and probably a few on youtube. I haven't had much chance to view either as I've been working on a few other projects in addition to modding (and I also have to go to work). There are probably others who can provide better advice and more precise answers.





Finally, animated prostitution is still considered a work in progress (and isn't likely to be finished considering the last time it was updated being 2014). It may be possible such an option (using it with custom armors) was never implemented to begin with. Experiment a bit and see if there are any other unusual things with the mod that you think are off.

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