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I could give a rats arse about:


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I couldnt give a rat's arse about everything, except definitely something. And I'm better than good, t. Thanks for asking. How you? Though... i couldn't, probably, give a rat's arse about it, as long as you're doing fine.


haha yes I'm doing fine


Col John Sheppard

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I do give a rats ares about this.as we all do here in Éire ..that eh like see I am from Ireland and we disagree with this intensely ..Many people were forced to go to America and Canada the famine and all ect..WE embrace and encourage people to accept their roots..Being Irish does not mean you were born in Ireland, being Irish means its those roots that beat the loudest in your heart...and soul..it what defines you..

Being Irish says your proud of your hetitage...no matter where you were born, so many of our own in Exile because of things that happened here..


We look at America sometimes as a culture without roots..What is American culture, but a set of political beliefs, not cultural ones..for America was made on the backbone of many a culture for now I will deal with just the Irish..forgeting that is why there is so much predjudice there as we see it..


Eh like for its what I know..there are no true Americans but Native Americans..

If more people got in touch with not where they live but who they are culturally, they would not feel so lost as who am I..To simply say I am an American what does that mean , roots are important to people..it says where you come from..what intially shaped you..So many young people are losing sight of the meaning of roots and its sad..


To say the words I am Irish American means one has accepted the roots of their ancestors..To many poeple forgot, the ancestoral roots are lost. traditions are lost..la


No one actually has a aright to call themselves a true American but Native Americans, to find your roots is to find your history to find yourself, is to find where yor people came from and what culture beats the truest to what you think believe feel in the inner you, ones truest self..


Thats my say, and I will not get into an arguement about it, you know who...I am not in the mood..comprende vous!!!!

. la


Okay, okay. It was in the whole "rats ass" thing. No need to get all "Erie Go Bragh" on me. Jump off my nuts, it's my opinion. It's what I don't give a rat's ass about, okay? F*cking christ man, get over it. I'm Irish, family came here in 1717, blah, blah, blah. I'm actually a descendant grandson of Robert the Bruce. There is far as my "roots pride" goes. I know of it, but my give a sh*t button broke a LOOONNNGG time ago.


Take the roots stuff seriously, but don't jump on my ass when I give my "rats ass" list on the "rats ass" thread. I'm not forcing anything on you, or was directed at you.

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We look at America sometimes as a culture without roots..What is American culture, but a set of political beliefs, not cultural ones..for America was made on the backbone of many a culture for now I will deal with just the Irish..forgeting that is why there is so much predjudice there as we see it..


Eh like for its what I know..there are no true Americans but Native Americans..

If more people got in touch with not where they live but who they are culturally, they would not feel so lost as who am I..To simply say I am an American what does that mean , roots are important to people..it says where you come from..what intially shaped you..So many young people are losing sight of the meaning of roots and its sad..

What Is Irish culture other then a lot of drinking? :P


Just kidding. Every country has it's own culture, and for you to suggest that the US' culture is any less than your own is an insult. You can't get to know a culture unless you've been a part of it.


I guess we're just different on our views of family. I don't really care much about whether someone is related to me or not. Hell, I care more about my friends than I do most of my family, except for my parents. I've never understood why I should care about someone just because we have some genes in common. Same goes for my ancestors. Most of them would probably hate me anyway, haha.

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We look at America sometimes as a culture without roots..What is American culture, but a set of political beliefs, not cultural ones..for America was made on the backbone of many a culture for now I will deal with just the Irish..forgeting that is why there is so much predjudice there as we see it..


Eh like for its what I know..there are no true Americans but Native Americans..

If more people got in touch with not where they live but who they are culturally, they would not feel so lost as who am I..To simply say I am an American what does that mean , roots are important to people..it says where you come from..what intially shaped you..So many young people are losing sight of the meaning of roots and its sad..

What Is Irish culture other then a lot of drinking? :P


Just kidding. Every country has it's own culture, and for you to suggest that the US' culture is any less than your own is an insult. You can't get to know a culture unless you've been a part of it.


I guess we're just different on our views of family. I don't really care much about whether someone is related to me or not. Hell, I care more about my friends than I do most of my family, except for my parents. I've never understood why I should care about someone just because we have some genes in common. Same goes for my ancestors. Most of them would probably hate me anyway, haha.


Well, I think you're selling your ancestors short on that one, but to be absolutely correct, sociologists and anthropologists have long acknowledged the fact that our "melting pot" syndrome deprives Americans of deeprooted cultural values that other ancient countries take for granted. We are very rootless here, and you have just borne witness to the fact.


Not arguing about it, but I don't give a rat's ass about living in denial, so. Felt the need to point it out.

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Roots? Heh, well there really isn't any strong or "pure" roots anymore. And even back then, (2000 years ago) the bloodlines of this toilet earth were getting mixed, either by force or choice, w/e. Even if there were pure lines, what the Hell does it matter? We are all just men, mortal, foolish men. Where you come from means jack sh*t. Where you go means everything.



Another rats ass thing:


I could give a rats ass about Iraq or the rest of the Middle East. Let them kill each other over the same piece of tiny dirt they have been for 1300 years. Only thing that's changed over there is they went from spears to rifles.

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I agree that we are all a melting pot. And have been for a long time. I am a bit of an amature historian...have that lovely degree paper hanging on my walll that says so..ha ha..


anyway..just read that they had found like 2,500 year old "vikings" that had a large arabic dna pattern...and if in fact were more diverse than the modern day Scandanavians. Huh!


However....I enjoy my heritage. I believe that you can learn great lessons from the history of were you came. In fact..those who do not know their history are doomed to repete it. Now do I agree to just wave some flag around on Columbus Day or St. Patrick's? No. I think you should study and know your history and culture if this is something to which you wish to proclaim your pride.


But in many ways we can not escape our past..culturally or genetically. I am a mix of many...Irish, Scots, Welsh, Native American and since many of my ancesters are from the South...well who knows what else. I take pride in them all as I take pride in being an American. I have studied them..traced my ancestery....I come from the lowest of peasents to Welsh Royality...equally proud of them all...and I hope to pass this information and love to my daughter.


And I do not think American's have the same sense and understanding of National Pride that others may..nI am not saying we do not love our country as much...I am saying that there is a large difference between patriotic pride and a sense of "nationalism."


Many of our friends here have recently fought for (or may be fighting in many ways) thier freedoms. The Irish here for example....it has not been that long that they sat under the thumb of the British. Did you know that the Celtic countries for which the British ruled..it was illegal to speak their native tongue..up until very recently. Welsh school children who spoke their tongue were beaten, ridiculed, forced to sit in the corner wearing signs saying "Welsh Not."


I personally know people here who have themselves or had parents fight and die for freedom. In their own country..their own back yard...I admire these people and give them every right to take pride in what ever the hell they wish.


So we can all have our opinion...and yes..untimately we are all HUMAN and need to learn this above all things. As it is that sameness that can unite us....it is our differences...of culture, language and beliefe that MAKES us human...and a heck of a lot more interesting that the cookie cutter world that I often observe.


So celebrate your heritage or not as you see fit. But do not belittle those who have found joy, comfort and pride in something far bigger than themselves.


And I couldn't give a rat's arse if anyone cares to read this....har

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And I do not think American's have the same sense and understanding of National Pride that others may..nI am not saying we do not love our country as much...I am saying that there is a large difference between patriotic pride and a sense of "nationalism."

Well, I think that both patriotism and especially nationalism can be dangerous. I never have understood the idea of loving a country. I love my life, i love the people close to me, but a country is just a piece of land that people agree exists. I am not defined by my country. I wouldn't be any different if I moved to Europe or Asia. Just my thoughts, though..

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