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Bounty Hunters


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If you followed the stormcloak soldier at the start, you almost always get thugs when you steel the ingots from under the armor table, at the forge, in Riverwood.


Come to think of it, it seems everytime I get a bounty or assassin or thug on my heels is just after I preform a petty crime AND a chicken is near buy. I think the Chickens work for the Thalmor.


That isn't as outlandish as you may think, chickens can report crimes apparantly (they must be stool pidgeons) :D


Are we even certain there's more than one chicken? Every time I see a chicken, it pretty much looks like the same chicken to me.


Multi chicken conspiracy, or lone chicken stalker?

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If the attacker was actually named "bounty hunter" then I believe it's specifically because you have an active bounty in one of the holds... I don't steal much so not had the random thugs, but I got a bounty hunter after a not-so sneaky assassination then run like hell operation in Morthal.


Well, there is my problem, i don´t like to steal thing and sometimes i act like a hero and i don´t anything ilegal like kill someone

or use lockpicking or pickpocket. I maybe create a mercenary character, or a thief, or even maybe a assassin.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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If the attacker was actually named "bounty hunter" then I believe it's specifically because you have an active bounty in one of the holds... I don't steal much so not had the random thugs, but I got a bounty hunter after a not-so sneaky assassination then run like hell operation in Morthal.


Well, there is my problem, i don´t like to steal thing and sometimes i act like a hero and i don´t anything ilegal like kill someone

or use lockpicking or pickpocket. I maybe create a mercenary character, or a thief, or even maybe a assassin.


Maybe you spoke to somebody's wife or girlfriend? ;)

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The game is bound and determined to make every player a criminal of some sort even if they think they haven't committed any crimes. You'll get marked down for "assault" if some follower takes friendly fire damage through his own Artificial Stupidity. You'll get marked down for murder for doing things like killing Namira's priestess when she demands that you kill the priest of Arkay. You'll get marked down for trespass and theft for doing things like gathering evidence against an evil vampire. Most of these usually don't result in any bounty, but they can. It is very difficult to avoid picking up a bounty at some point unless you just go up to High Hrothgar and sit around communing with the sky until your character dies of old age. (There are no chickens up there to put the finger on you.)
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You'll have to be a "true neutral" char and not do almost anything if you want to keep clean of bounty. If you want to be a good guy and never (relative term because is next to imposible) have a bounty i advise heavy usage of "Frenzy". (either by revers-pickpocketing or spell)
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You'll have to be a "true neutral" char and not do almost anything if you want to keep clean of bounty. If you want to be a good guy and never (relative term because is next to imposible) have a bounty i advise heavy usage of "Frenzy". (either by revers-pickpocketing or spell)


I am not a Neutral, i just don´t kill Hostile NCP, and yes, i use pickpocket and lockpicking.AND, i am a Mercenary.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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