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running too fast


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Well, I have kind of a rather unique problem:


My character is moving too fast, probably due to the speed improvement by Belua Sanguinare Revisited.


Now he is so fast that I am barely able to enter a doorway when standing slightly next to it.


The only solution I have found so far is this:




But this results in NPCs moving VERY slowly, if I am decreasing my own speed.


I have searched all over the Nexus but was not able to find a mod that allows myself to decrease only my own speed.


I would be thankfully, if anyone was able to help me there, because right now this prevents me from playing Skyrim.

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player.setav speedmult <percentage>


Remove the < >'s and write a suitable movement speed. I'm not sure if your mods affect the base value or adds multipliers. Try setting it at 100 first (base value) and then just keep on tweaking until it suits you. Hope it works =)


Edit: Uh, and it's a console command. § to bring up the console.

Edited by Riffzor
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That does not work. The speed does not change.


I have the mod "Levelers Tower" installed and it tells me that my speed remains at 510% even after I used the command. But the console does not give any error report.


(BTW, I know how to use the console, but in my case its ^ (german keyboard :wink: )

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You will need to modify it in the levelers tower (Ingame) - I left the speed thing along. As it would likely break something. - I'd suggest you load a point where you didn't use it. Or try and see if it gives you an option to reduce your speed back to Normal.
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I did not use it. The speed increase derives from the vampire mod. I just used Levelers Tower to get the actual value. I even tried to lower it to 100% again, but this does not work.


In that case, the fix would be within the Vampire Mod. You will need to make changes to that yourself (But obviously not repost it)

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I have been able to solve the initial problem by using:


player.setav speedmult -300 (it took me weeks to figure out that I had tu use negative values...)


But now, everytime I load a saved game, I have to reenter it, otherwise my speed is insanely high again.


Any ideas how to fix this?

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