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Bleak Falls Barrow is purple?


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After messing around with my mod configuration lled to a "purple food" problem, I decided ito get a fresh start. I deleted SSE then re-downloaded from Steam. Yet when running the game in a vanilla state (no mods), I noticed some things in the far off distance were purple, most notably the ruins of Bleak Falls Barrow. So, was my fresh download corrupted? Or am I simply noticing a common graphic glitch for the first time? Is there anything I can do?

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Purple items generally means a missing texture.

When you said you deleted SS and redownloaded from steam, did you make sure to delete EVERYTHING left over manually as well after, otherwise there is a good chance there is remnants of mods, that would mess up with filepaths and stuff, which very well could indeed lead to the game thinking it got some textures missing.


So yeah I would say delete it again, and then go into your steam folder and make sure there is absolutely no remains of skyrim at all, and first then actually redownload it again

Edited by Gummiel
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Purple items generally means a missing texture.

When you said you deleted SS and redownloaded from steam, did you make sure to delete EVERYTHING left over manually as well after, otherwise there is a good chance there is remnants of mods, that would mess up with filepaths and stuff, which very well could indeed lead to the game thinking it got some textures missing.


So yeah I would say delete it again, and then go into your steam folder and make sure there is absolutely no remains of skyrim at all, and first then actually redownload it again


I not only deleted sse again, I also deleted vortex as well and was finally freed of the purple plague. I reinstalled vortex again and connected it to my clean reinstall of sse. The new vortex download gained access to all the old mods -- undeployed -- but so far hasn't foisted the purple plague on me again. Hopefully, by carefully reinstalling mods, I should avoid future problems or catch the culprit early and delete it.

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