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Making arrows explode on impact?


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The script works fine for me... You did, of course, give it a scriptname?


To apply it to a spell, make sure the box at the top of the script reads "Magic Effect", select your spell, give it a "Script Effect" effect, and set the "script" drop-down box to that one.


Thanks! i did have a script name, just didn't paste it. The "Magic Effect" was what i was missing.


One more thing. I have the trip mine explosion and the fireball sound all in one arrow. They keep overplaying each other. So 50% of the time the arrow plays a fireball sound, and the other 50%, it plays the trip mine sound. How do i make it play ONLY the trip mine sound?

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If you want to use the Fire Damage visual effects, the Fire Damage sound has to play, I'm afraid. In fact, I'd wager it's still playing the other 50%, just drowned out by the Trip Mine Explosion.


Are you sure the actual problem isn't that you're not giving the Trip Mine Explosion sound time to finish, and it can't play a new one until it is? I find waiting a couple of seconds in-between casting makes the Trip Mine Explosion come on all the time. Sadly, if this is the case, all you can do is mitigate the problem by giving the spell a duration of 1 and adding the following to the script.


Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
 PlaySound TRPMineExplosion

That way, until the duraiton is up, it will keep trying to play the Explosion sound. If you set the duration higher than one, it will play the sound multiple times from the first casting, and even with that it's only a one-casting buffer zone before it doesn't have time anyway, and the explosions wouldn't necessarilly sync with the spell hitting. (Though it would whenever it would play on a ScriptEffectStart block) With all that in mind, you might just want to leave it as is.

Also, as a point of interest, using PlaySound3D instead of PlaySound would change the effect's volume depending on the player's distance from it, but would make it much easier for the trap explosion to be drowned out by the Fire Damage effect.


I'm using a Lesser Power instead of arrows, but I can't imagine it would matter too much for these purposes.

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The trip mine sounds played ALL the time when i put it on an arrow (also have fire damage on it) that DOESN'T explode on impact.


With the more intricate arrows that DO explode on impact, the trip mine sounds play only 50% of the time. What's wrong?


Wait, a few more things. The area of the spell is set to 400, but the ANIMATION is set ALWAYS at 100. How can i make the explosion animation bigger to encompass the true area of 400. I mean, seeing people die far outside of the explosion is weird. Oh, and does checking the "effect is hostile" box make the spell kill me? because when i shoot the arrow at the ground, i die in flames. If not, how would i fix that.

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No clue. As suggested before, "Explode on Impact" stuff isn't really my area of expertise.


"Effect is Hostile" only changes NPC reactions, and a Fire Damage effect would make it hostile regardless of what any Script Effect is marked as. People in the area of effect get equally incinerated either way. The only way I can think of of "Excluding" the player is to give him temporary immunity to fire.

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No clue. As suggested before, "Explode on Impact" stuff isn't really my area of expertise.


"Effect is Hostile" only changes NPC reactions, and a Fire Damage effect would make it hostile regardless of what any Script Effect is marked as. People in the area of effect get equally incinerated either way. The only way I can think of of "Excluding" the player is to give him temporary immunity to fire.


Well, do you have any ideas on how to make the fire damage animation bigger to encompass an area of 400 points (idk what the increments are, ft., meters, idk).


Oh, and since the fire damage sounds overlap the tripmine sounds, i could put the fire damage into the script of the trip mine. What's the script command for fire damage?

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This is pessimistic, but I'm inclined to assume the animation can only get so big. And what would you need a radius of 400 for anyways?


I don't really know what you mean by putting fire damage into the trip mine's script... Magic Effects don't have scripting functions... Do you mean you want some Fire Damage to go along with the knockback? :unsure:

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