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PC Players Letdown?


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Bethesda in the past had always said they were a primarily PC gaming company. Up to and including Oblivion.

Does anyone feel a little let down that they have moved away from it with Skyrim? Being that XBox is slated for the first release of Dawnguard. The controls on the pc also seemed kinda shaky at times for the menus.

Not saying that it was a bad game at all, just some of the little things, attention to detail, makes me feel as though they have forgotten about us.

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I've been let down since about a month after the game got announced. Only thing thats even keeping me concerned about the game is the massive potential it has now for mods.


Its still a shame however that its going to be a necessity to run mods. Even now I could play vanilla Morrowind or Oblivion and still be just as interested as if they were fully modded. (granted, not for long, but thats only cause I'm burned out on both those games. 3000+ hours each does that to a man) But with Skyrim, I can't stand vanilla to save my life.

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PC players Letdown yes.Ilike playing games for the storyline, the chalanges and mostly for the options you could make in character creation and questlining (i'm talking abbout real options like meaningfull classes and real consequences) rather than graphics or popularity. Skyrim lacks in everything i like about a game because it was dumbed down for consoles. Still it is one of the best games that came out after Fallout New Vegas, so it will have to do. Provided that PC usesr have the option of modding makes it worthwile even more. So the modding comunity is making PC Skyrim closer to what it should have been we just have to have a little patience.
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Its one of the unfortunalities that game companies need to do to stay competitive, it does seem like a bit of a let down coming from oblivion or morrowind to skyrim with so many things changed, however i believe they made a good balance between those that have been with the game since the beginning keeping with the lore and the same base that made the previous so great, while also making it accessible to those that have never played an rpg before. one thing we can be thankful for is they havent turned into a company such as activision or a zenimax a producer like EA, with a constant need to push a new game out every 2 years getting worse each time, but, i digress. lastly the whole xbox getting dlc first is something microsoft has worked out with all the producers, its one of micosofts marketing schemes that bethesda has to deal with, its really no biggie tho, the month that its out for the xbox should be plenty of time for a patch for all the bugs in it to be released same time as dlc
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I dunno. I play on PC with a 360gamepad without issues. Vanilla Skyrim bored me quickly (no depth!) but now that I have access to all those brilliant mods, the gameplay is much more rounded, challenging and satisfying.


Still far from perfect, but I've given-up that particular ghost.

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The reality is that game consoles have the edge right now. They have a huge market/fan base. But with the changes in the Mod communities I think there is a good chance that PC gaming could create/expand what will be a new genre of gaming in the future. It is in it's infancy now but is certainly growing, evident in the numbers of console gamers returning to PC gaming (Modding in-particular).



In a way Bethesda did the Modding community a favor IMHO. Because the vanilla game of Skyrim is so blah I have witnessed a tremendous level of creativity from Modders to 'make the game what it should have been'. And given the level of possibilities built into the game it has been and is awesome. I keep thinking that Bethesda is looking at all the cool Mods/ideas that have come out and thinking "We should have done that."




So, yea I'm let down. But I'm inspired and given hope by the Modding community. Support your local Modding community and Modders out there. Oh...and ENDORSE Mods!

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Bit of both for me.


I have got Skyrim for the 360 - With the menus and everything, it seems that they went to cater to the Console, rather than the PC or infact both.


The PC - The Menus are extremely clunky, item sorting is beyond a joke, character creation menu has regular delays in switching options; often becoming unresponsive.



In truth, I can see why they are edging closer and closer to console gaming. Like everyone else; minus the likes of Valve and Blizzard. More profit to be made on consoles, yet consoles are the ones that seem to be holding back the "Next-Gen" graphics.

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While at first I found the streamlining of the game a slight bit apprehensive, what they are now adding, such as horse combat and other refinements means that there is still much hope for it.

I have spent an inordinate amount playing tes3 and 4, and thus they resonate with me better, and their failings are less evident to me.


I took a Skyrim hiatus for a while, and came back now, and I'm enjoying myself. It's one of the few AAA titles I do not regret dropping the full price at release day on.

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