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Bolted doors


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Hello everyone.


When going through Korvanjund (spelling?), on the way out, there's a 'one-way' door through the mechanics of it being bolted from the inside (not sure how common that term is even, I'm swedish so it may just be that I've... Never had to use the term in english, but basically the thingy when you've got a heavy bar on the inside of a door that you flip down to keep it... Well, bared/bolted), I can't seem to figure out how to do this in the CK.


I'm corrently working on a thief's hide-out, and for RP reasons I want a bolt avalible for the door to keep any intruders off whilst one could sneak out the back door, so it mustn't start off bolted - or I won't get into the bedroom in the first place. Anyone who could tell me what needs to be done? I tried to study the door and bolt in Korvanjund through the CK, all I saw was a collision marker (uhm, whatever that is) at the door's backside.


And yes, I'm fairly new to the CK, more used to Gtk Radiant (thank Oden we don't have to mess around with those nasty flags in the CK!).


Any help appreciated. =)

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Cheers mate!


Tried searching on 'doors', 'bolts' and pretty much anything I could think of to find a page like that. I guess the CK wiki isn't too easy to navigate. =)


I can now bar myself into my room and hide in a corner and feel safe! >=3

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