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Sudden stuttering and mouse lag


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Hey guys 'n' girls,


When I start playing the screen makes a stutter every second or so, also my fps dropped and my mouse input lags terribly.

I've been playing Skyrim nearly maxed out for the past few months without any problems, I've also turned mouse acceleration/smoothing off before I got this issue...


Downgrading my graphics didn't help either, but that wasn't very likely to do anything in the first place.


I really hope you guys know how to deal with this problem!

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This happened to me as well! Have you updated to 1.6? I did that and I have a hunch that's what's causing the issue, tried re-installing the game a few times. My mouse is at the moment slow and doesn't match the movement i make, I also experience stuttering at times and get CTDs every 30 minutes or so. My game worked flawlessly until recently.
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