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CTD when main menu starts loading


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try disabling those 2 mods ( NOT uninstalling ) and see if it still crashes


Also, along the way, that save you're using? have you deleted any mods that at one point it was using??

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I have not used it yet so I may be way off here but the mod Frontier Fortress...are you using the All In One version or the individual cities?

You have ESPs of the individual cities but also an ESP that says Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp

I would have thought the latter was the All In One and that you dont need the other ESPs.

Like I said I have not used the mod yet so I could be wrong.

Try uninstalling the mod and testing on a new game. If it works redownload and reinstall as the All In One version

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Did you run LOOT? Sometimes that will point out if you are missing patches or masters. It will also make changes to your load order if you want it to

For example I would expect the ELFX-SMIM patch to be below all instances of ELFX including the Enhancer

I would also recommend cleaning your mods particulalry your master files if you have not done it already

Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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and also personally, I never clean UPDATE.esm, because that is exactly what it is, and update to SKYRIM.esm - there has been MUCH debate over this point if I am being honest

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Question for the OP

Do you have Windows 10

If so, did you recently update to cumulative update OS Build 17134.286 ?

I ask this as everything on my end has been perfect until the update... haven't changed mods or load order or added anything.



Found a plus from the Win update, it updated an audio driver, full surround sound is supported again.



Checked drivers

Updated my graphics driver with same release dates for the Win10 update.


I can currently work in Creationkit.exe with no issues even on the heavily modded game which crashes in the actual game.


For me, right after selecting a save game and loading, I get audio, the description screen of some item or what not then bam CTD

Same happens when attempting a New game.


So rolled back to a clean game, no mods, no textures, meshes, et.

Starts fine, gets to the character face creation, exit, save.

Exit game,... When reloading that very save crashes at the same point after audio and description screen...

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i've had absolutely ZERO problems with original skyrim, just played yesterday on WIN 10, and I keep my windows up to date automatically


So I sincerely doubt it's WIN10, more like Bethesda screwing up with their Creation Club

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