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So which ENB do you prefer?


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It seems every week a new ENB mod comes out and I have yet to actually try any of them, but now am looking into trying some out. I do have a couple questions before I do this though,


-Are they compatible with SKSE? I remember trying one out a while ago that required I launch Skyrim via the launcher the mod provides, which didn't enable SKSE.


-Are most of them incompatible with mods like Realistic Lighting & WATER? I have both of those and, though I don't mind uninstalling them if the ENB mod essentially does the same thing, I'd like to know before I cause some sort of incompatibility mayhem.


-Which one are your favorites? I figure seeing as there are so many of them everyone has their preference, but I am interested in knowing which ones everyone uses.

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They are compatible with SKSE if you use the d3d9.dll method. I don't know about injectors. (The usually all come with the d3d9.dll method, or both).


I didn't use Realistic Lighting and ENB shaders at the same time (ENB sorta plays the same role as Realistic Lighting), but I currently am using ENB 0.113 and WATER and it works perfectly.


My favorite was http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1752 but I decided to port the settings to the latest enbseries (0.113) and realized that preset was a too dark, and got used to the enb defaults while tweaking them >_>.

Currently I'm using the Pure ENB's "[ENVIRONMENT]" settings with the default 0.113 enbseries.ini settings from the enb site, with DOF disabled (can't run it well) and no effects.


It's all really a matter of preference. You either find a pre-set that works, or you make your own. I would try out the ENB preset that has the most downloads / endorsements (the most favorite) and tweak it to your liking. If it's really off, then go for the 2nd fav.

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I've done that but the screenshots don't really convince me, well something along the lines of 1 out of 5 of them do which gives me the feeling that "enb could really look great, just not with this one". Will take a look at yours, thanks.


what is the d3d9.dll method?

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You just put the d3d9.dll in your Skyrim folder (same folder as TESV.exe, along with the enbseries.ini and .fxh files) and you're done.


The other method is that you have to run an application before running Skyrim.

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