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Bashed Patch disables mods features


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Hello everyone. Let me explain what i do.


I am using Mod Organizer 2 and i am following this steps


1-) I have downloaded x mod (let us say mod that removes armor on dragon priests masks)

2-) I am activating it

3-) Testing in the game and it is working

4-) Then i am running Wrye Bash, rebuild patch and it says "following mods disabling etc etc" and it is disabling this mod too.

5-) After patch complete i can see this mod's esp in the Bashed Patch, 0.esp file (enabled masters: x mod)

6-) When i enter the game, it is not working


It happens on many mods. What should i do?


Actually i don't know what is actually doing (wyre bash) is it combines the plugins for the use together? (for example A mod adding new enemies, B mod is doing the same but if you put B after the A, it overrides A but if we can use bashed patch, it combines both of them. Correct me if i am wrong)


Question 2


What should i do with this file? oVW50o.jpg Should i right click, create mod, enter the name and activate the mod?

1-) What will happens if i do that?

2-) What will happens if i don't do that?


No more i cannot trust my english after i have faced with many errors. This is why i have created topic.

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the bashed patch does copy entries from mods and combines them , but it doesn't necessarily take all entries

which is why I would recommend opening it with xEdit to verify that it didn't remove entries that matter (which happens from time to time , and could potentially remove the functionality of a mod due to a conflict with another mod)

all you really need to do is go through the entries inside the patch and verify it takes the correct information , but depending on how many mods you have it could be a lot of entries to comb through

it's best if you know what isn't working and just combing through that patch looking for the specific entries (or checking the mod itself to find the entries , and checking what the patch contains)


as for the files , pretty sure 3 of these folders are empty and just generated when creating specific patches

the Meshes one should actually contain meshes , probably from something like BodySlide

so that you should move to a new mod (call it something like BodySlide builds , something that you'll recognize . and if you rebuild these make sure to place the new meshes there and overwrite the files)

the bashed patch you should probably just move to a new mod (call it bashed patch or patches , whatever you want) . of course activate both of these mods

the rest of the folders you should just check , if the have contents move them to the correct mod . otherwise you can delete them (although they may be generated everytime you run the game)

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