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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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I've made a deal with my holy side


If I run, they will hunt all of you down


If I win this fight, they will leave you all alone and I go free


But if I lose, they will still leave all of you alone



...To die a warrior's death or die by the hand of a loved one, and to die while protecting the ones you love is the greatest glory on the battlefield.


But I still dont want to die before my children are born

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*Dark portal opens beneath my feet*

*Creatures of darkness come from beneath*

Please, creatures of darkness, combine with the creatures of light, become warrios of the abyss!

Help my Uncle anyway possible!

*Telepathically to boss*

I am sending some warriors down to help you. Please don't push them away, just allow them to occupy some of the others while you fend off others.

Please make a safe return uncle....

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yeah that seems really honorable!

you veruses ALL of them!

thats not a warriors death

that blo-

*sheild disspears as i enter Troposphere*

oh crud, i'm 6 miles up with no sheild...

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<turns on big screen showing me fighting thousands of people all at once, everyone of them able to match me in power>


Old minion: It must be that accursed Lily's doing.

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