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Best way to deal with system upgrade


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I'll be upgrading my hardware. All of it. How best to let Skyrim know about this change? Re-install? And if so, what files will be modified, so's I can then just copy and redistribute to my several workung versions of Skyrim?
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I'll be upgrading my hardware. All of it. How best to let Skyrim know about this change? Re-install? And if so, what files will be modified, so's I can then just copy and redistribute to my several workung versions of Skyrim?



i think all you have to do is get rid of your skyrimprefs.ini from (typically) "Documents\my games\Skyrim" and it will remake one when you launch the game



(just checked, it rechecks hardware if you do, do this.)

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I'll be upgrading my hardware. All of it. How best to let Skyrim know about this change? Re-install? And if so, what files will be modified, so's I can then just copy and redistribute to my several workung versions of Skyrim?



i think all you have to do is get rid of your skyrimprefs.ini from (typically) "Documents\my games\Skyrim" and it will remake one when you launch the game



(just checked, it rechecks hardware if you do, do this.)



If that is all that has to be done, then 'too easy'. Nothing about this program has been this easy so far, so I wonder what the 'gotcha's' are....


And then on to finding tweak guides.

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