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Vortex, profiles and skyui


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I am curious if anyone has a solution this issue or if it is just and alpha bug.


I managed to get vortex working with a lightly modded version of Skyrim(oldrim). I made this my default profile. It has a working on it







skyfalls and skymills

convenient horses

pretty combat animations




some follower mods and some mesh replacers.


Pretty basic and was able to play for several hours without a hitch as a test.


So I made another profile, cloned form my default, set it to keep settings and save games, reran FNIS, made sure the FNIS file had the name of the new profile and the default was not selected.


I added "monster mod",


When I entered the game skyui did not work and none of my mods were visible.


So I backed out, checked the install, reran fnis, loot, looking for issues in tesvedit. Everything worked fine but I could not get skyui to start


Next I want back to my default profile and started it up, everything loads fine, skyui pops up and the MCM is there..


I went back to the new profile, uninstalled more monsters so it is now identical to the default and ran it. Skyui still doesn't work. I have the default UI and certainly no MCM.


I went back of the my default profile again, and installed "more monsters" and it works fine.


Anyone know why skyui only seems to work with one profile? Is there something about SKSE that has to installed on each profile or what?


Thank you.

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SkyUI has nothing to do with profiles. Profiles just decide which mods are enabled. Which mods are enabled decides which files are deployed to your game directory.


SkyUI is just two files: "SkyUI.esp" and "SkyUI.bsa", if they are there, in your game directory, Vortex did its job and your problem is somewhere else.

If they aren't, check if the mod is enabled. If the mod is enabled and even after deployment the files aren't there then that is a bug with vortex and an odd one.

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SkyUI has nothing to do with profiles. Profiles just decide which mods are enabled. Which mods are enabled decides which files are deployed to your game directory.


SkyUI is just two files: "SkyUI.esp" and "SkyUI.bsa", if they are there, in your game directory, Vortex did its job and your problem is somewhere else.

If they aren't, check if the mod is enabled. If the mod is enabled and even after deployment the files aren't there then that is a bug with vortex and an odd one.


Yes, Thank you. I understand the first statement fine. You are explaining the obvious, I understand sometimes you have to do that to troubleshoot issues.


Ok, let me try to help explain this more clearly.


I currently have two profiles.


They currently have identical mods (what I listed above forget the monster mod for now, I don't have it active currently)


They both have sky ui installed. It is visible in both profiles and in the game data folder.


When I start the game on the default profile everything works fine.


When I start the game on the second profile I don't have skyui.


I'm looking for a reason why one works fine with sky ui and the other doesn't. If vortex was supposed to work that way and I need to change setting to prevent some sort of crosstalk issue or if it was a bug.


I'm hoping it is not a bug because that means I'm unable to have more than one profile for what ever reason until it is patched and it might be a very long time since I know what Alpha means.

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My suggestion, since I think your problem has nothing to do with Vortex:

1) Switch to one of your profiles.

2) Stop Vortex - so you can't blame it.

3) Start the game. Before picking a save to load, open the console.

4) Enter "coc qasmoke". This loads no save.

5) Note if SkyUI initializes.

6) Quit

7) Start Vortex

8 ) Switch to second profile

9) Stop Vortex

10) Start the game. Before picking a save to load, open the console.

11) Enter "coc qasmoke". This loads no save.

12) Note if SkyUI initializes.

13) Quit


Let us know your results.

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Yes, Thank you. I understand the first statement fine. You are explaining the obvious, I understand sometimes you have to do that to troubleshoot issues.


I don't think you do, because you're still looking for some magical "crosstalk" issue.

Vortex is purely a file based tool, it links files to the game directory, updates some ini files, updates the plugins.txt file (or similar for other games) and that's that.

You can verify everything Vortex did that affects the game with the windows explorer and a text editor.


I'm not stating the obvious here, I'm stating everything there is to it. There is no hidden magic to profiles. Either the files are there or they aren't.


There is no point telling me step by step what you did, especially when it's just repeating what you said before. If you're reporting Vortex did something wrong you have to include what it did wrong - within the domain of what vortex is doing: file deployment and ini editing.

If, for example, you can find that Vortex - because you're using profiles - isn't updating the plugins.txt correctly, that would be a bug and I can investigate why it happens. But based on "SkyUI isn't working in one of my profiles" there is nothing I could investigate from my end.

If Vortex did all it had to do for installing skyui (extract the files and place the esp in plugins.txt) then Vortex is not the problem and you're barking up the wrong tree.

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