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Skyrim crashing after hitting continue/Freezing when hitting new.


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My game has been crashing after hitting continue for a few days now. I've tried everything, reinstall, uninstall, deleting all my saves :'(, uninstalling all the mods, and the game ran without mods, but having poured around 150 hours in without mods. I want to play with mods, so without them, this game does me no good. All my mods came from steam workshop, with the exception of Cloaks of Skyrim which I used NMM to download. I have deleted my preference files before, I have changed my compatibility to administrator/windows xp SP3, I've tried eliminating individual mods one at a time... Nothing. Any mods and it doesn't work.


Things that happen:

Game loads fine all the way to menu.

If I hit continue it will go to the loading screen, then crash.

If I hit new, it freezes at the main menu, the options disappear, and they keep chanting (taunting me.)

My Skyrim is updated to the latest version

I do not have SKSE or any related mods


I have tried almost all the conventional fixes that I can think of and had a very helpful and friendly redditor try to walk me through everything he could think of... Nothing seems to work. I am completely at a lost, I've tried googling over and over again ,but nothing seems to come to mind. This is a legal copy that I paid $60 for and I am looking at the case right now, so it's not an issue with that.


I am lost at this point and it's been almost a week I've been trying to fix this, please help.

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