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Translate mods


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Yo, I'm from brazil, and i want to know how can i translate mods, I want to translate to Brazilian Portuguese some mods, but i dont know how.

So if you can help me it will be great ;)

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If the language version of Skyrim is the same before and after, then you won't need to worry about things like texture and mesh file paths because they will remain the same. For example, if you were translating an English mod on English Skyrim into Portuguese on English Skyrim then there would be no problem with things like directory paths. All you would have to do would be to go into the CK and translate the subtitles to Portuguese, and if you were really doing a fancy job, do the voice acting in Portuguese.


This tutorial talks about how to work with dialogue in the CK: Dialogue Tutorial

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Not like that, I tried the Creation Kit, but the creation kit dosen't open only the .esp file, it open the masters file too, there is some way to make the Creation Kit only load the .esp file?
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  • 4 years later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry if it's the wrong place, but I'm interested in translating a mod to Spanish and I can't use accent and other symbols. I wonder if any of you know how to do it and how to learn to use that program (tesVtranslator special edition), I don't see any tutorial.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Earwenlr
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