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Player Home Placement


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Ive been looking around for a few house mods as Riverside Lodge is getting pretty packed these days, so I was looking for something a little further away, for 2 reasons

1) I'm fed up traveling all the way back to Riverwood basically to dump my stuff


2) I'm sick of Whiterun being my central hub, I swear Ive spent more time there then anywhere else in the game.


I find the vanilla houses a little small, useless and WAY overprice (not that money is a problem) so I wanted some more options outside of the single greatest player home ever. What I was met with however was fairly disappointing. Everyone seems to want their houses in and around Riverwood/Whiterun, theres no houses (i could find) near Riften or Solitude (none I liked anyway). Theres not even any just in the middle of nowhere and in Skyrim, theres a lot of middle of nowhere, prime building grounds for an estate, mansion or hunting cabin. And any that I have found seem to be more museums then actual houses, with rooms and rooms of display cases and mannequins, which in my opinion does not make a plausible home. I understand people want their houses near the start of the game, but, do you wanna spend you entire game going to and fro from that one house? Where are the options? The choices to pick my house. Skyrim vanilla gives me an option for a single house in every hold, but it seems modders, who are the current gods of Skyrim neglect to take this into consideration and put everything near the start of the game. It just breaks my immersion when I have to travel across the entire length of Skyrim to dump off some dragonbones and sell my stuff in Whiterun, just because its closest to my home. (Immersion is a silly reason but its my reason so shudup)


Now I know your asking, "Why dont you make your own home a**hole!" and the answer is simple, I really really suck at it, I've tried, but I suck, I admit it. I'm not complaining about modders or anything dont get me wrong, the houses Ive found are simply fantastic, but everything is so near the start of the game that its no fun. The only house/castle I found that I really really liked was the dragon guarded castle in the mountains near Iverstead. It was amazing, but due to some other mods I had it just didnt work for me. Thats the kinda thing you wanna see, not 20 houses all stacked on top of each other in a SMALL village at the start of the game. Let me explore, find it, stumble across it in the black of night in the middle of a field near a rock and a pool of water. Give me options. Give me variety.

I see theres a contest coming soon (or has come already) on NEXUS where they are asking people to make homes, and I really look forward to seeing these, and I hope their outside the starting area of the game.

Edited by Edg3k
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