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How to make existing actors follow player?


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Im aware about the command, but I wonder if there is some way to make choosen actors follow you like followers do that is without constantly issuing the command via script? Anyway thanks for the tip. I appreciate your help.

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I think that is how I will do it in the end, but I wonder if there is any sensible way. I mean to do it via package means I will have to create multiple quest aliases for mutliple minions. So, is there any other way?

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If they are custom and there aren't others of them in the world, you can assign the package to the base actor.


If they aren't you can create a copy of them and use that new base actor as above.


Then you can assign any condition to the package, not only a getstage called from a quest.


For example, you can create an empty magic effect and assign it to a self spell, let's say "Master of Puppets" (lol). Then assign a condition to the package HasMagicEffect run on TARGET (not subject).


Or you can create a staff "Staff of the Master" and run a condition GetEquipped again on TARGET.

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What you propose is similar to the mechanism in Skeletal Horde mod. Problem is I want something slightly different. I dont want to create new kinds of actors. I want to control existing actors, theoretically every possible actor. For example a wolf pack is nearby. I want to cast a spell that will dominate the pack and transfer control over the wolves to the player. The pack will follow player and obey players simple commands like attack specific target or return to the player.

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