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A smithmaster style ring but for enchantments?


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Smithmaster ring is a mod that adds a craftable ring which, when worn, unlocks all smithing perks (http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16987). Though this is obviously a cheat it's the least tedious route especially considering the fact that most modders add custom armors to the crafting list (unless using console to obtain them). I use this on some of my chars where I just can't be bothered to put perks into smithing or it doesn't fit their character, but I am also wondering if there is an equivalent of this for the enchantment tree? Again, these are perks I don't want to waste while leveling up on certain chars and would simply like to enchant my clothes/armor without a hitch.


If not, I don't know how long this kind of thing takes in the CK, but I would be appreciative if someone would conjure up an Enchanter's Ring or amulet or whatever for me :D


thanks to anyone who takes a look at this.

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