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Is there a way to use "spoiler tags" for images on a mod page?


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Does anyone know if you can put a picture on a mod page's images tab but have it hidden under a spoiler? As the manager of the mod, I mean.

And similarly, I have a couple of user-submitted pictures that I wouldn't mind showing, but I'd prefer to show them under spoiler tags, too, so other people looking at the page could choose to see them or not.

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RE post #1,

thanks for asking a technical question.

We're not all necessarily '24/7 Web Developers", so,

learning more about that side and those features can be daunting.


there may exist possible pathways;

I recommend looking into the NMM Fora

"Feedback, Suggestions & Questions"

to learn more about "specialBBCode embedding",

3rdparty imagehosting pivot BBCode/Embedding Protocols

(thats for dynamic one-to-many per webpresence stuff, like signatures across fora etc).

or per-year-per-regionalization livestreaming for pre-envisaging etc.

"Manage Content I Ignore Prefs" framework,

and filtering in general.


I look forward to further discussion on this in any event.

I hope this is of some assistance in suggesting avenues of options for that.


also to keep in mind is,

these days, a lot of folks use "self-delimiting filters"

from User-Side BrowserBased filters on stuff.

this, and a combination of their own discernment, means they avoid many inadvertent spoilers that way.

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