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Wow, and you thought Fat, slutty, or Ugly had harsh words...


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I would suggest anyone who pulls the 'but men are portrayed unrealistically too' angle to have a look at this video




Say all you might, how often do you see a male character being posed simply for the sex appeal? How often do you see a female character being posed to convey anything other than sex appeal?


Im a bit sad to say it but these fights against video games and equality in the portrayal of characters is really nothing more then a cry for attention


And with that, your argument loses any credibility it might have had. Good job on not understanding the issue at all.

Edited by Halororor
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And with that, your argument loses any credibility it might have had. Good job on not understanding the issue at all.

how so, equality in video games is a minute discrepancy against women considering everything else thats wrong with the world, all I am saying is there are bigger battles to be fought, for the betterment of not just females, but humanity in general, this however, is someone getting up on their soapbox because they are upset at a video game, people need to start living in the real world and not the one in the computer, to be clear that isnt directed at women specifically but people in general


I would suggest anyone who pulls the 'but men are portrayed unrealistically too' angle to have a look at this video




Say all you might, how often do you see a male character being posed simply for the sex appeal? How often do you see a female character being posed to convey anything other than sex appeal?

this is not true, while men are not made into sex objects as often as women they are portrayed as all being superman, being able to do anything, yada yada yada, also more often then not the image used for a man is one that is always in peak physical condition and with either a "pretty" or "robust" facial structure like they belong in a calvin kline magazine. becuase as someone that mention earlier, no one wants to play as a character who is fat and ugly. or even "average"

and if you look at an earlier post of mine there are a number of female characters that have nothing to do with sex appeal, and those were just the ones off the top of my head

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Say all you might, how often do you see a male character being posed simply for the sex appeal?

The better question is "how often are games geared towards a homosexual male audience, or a female audience who would actually care for that?".


The typical "hero pose" IS a sexual message, just not in the way that is commonly acknowledged. Seeing a male character pose in that way conveys a sense that that character is empowered and confident, both quite major emotional hot-buttons for many women. This is no different than how women might find a given actor in a movie sexy just from the sorts of roles they play. It's not as obvious or overt as the way that female characters are portrayed, but is part of the same thing. You won't find games with leering and lusty men barely clad and posing provocatively because there are very few people who would look at that game and want to play it for any reason other than mere curiosity and the ability to flame the hell out of it.

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As a general point, games are (by definition) fantasy. I mean in the general sense of the word fantasy not the elves and spells sense.


Isn't the purpose of fantasy to not be entirely realistic? If it were entirely realistic, it wouldn't be fantasy. The linked author is a gamer so clearly is not against games as fantasy per se, so really she must believe that some things (in this case gender representations) are off-limits for fantasy.


That's about the same as the "you're not allowed to make jokes about my god" mob.


Again, I say this with a full appreciation of the fact that women ARE largely badly and unimaginatively portrayed in games. I repeat, also, the solution to this is MORE WOMEN IN THE GAMES INDUSTRY, not making videos about it.

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in most games this is true, however one in particular this isnt, bing bing skyrim, vanilla skyrim that is, not modded, but most skyrim women are hardy warriors able to hold thier own against anything man or otherwise


skyrim take on women was pretty unique in video games but dont worry the modders took care of that(sarcasm). it looks like shes a console gamer so she prply doesnt know what nexus is because i get the feeling if she ever saw some of the mods here and image share, her head would exploded.


as for the comments on her video. its the internet so it isnt shocking or surprising to me. youtube comments have always made me lose faith in mankind, im not joking about that youtube comments do make me lose all hope on mankind. that's why i stay away.


also i dont get why see was complaining about legos. i never knew there was "boy" legos im pretty sure those "boy" legos are just the normal ones and everyone; boy and girls plays with them. also about cammy in street fighter



Edited by hector530
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the funny thing is her outfit is just a unitard, UNItard, as in UNIsex as in the most sexually non biased uniform ever, also the youtube comments are almost as bad as 4 chan
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How sexes are portrayed in games depends on the culture. The Japanese tend to portray males as slightly more feminine, while in the west, they are the big, bad, muscular soldiers and super macho types. The Japanese seem to like sexualizing younger looking females (arguably younger teens), while in the western games most women are slim figured, big breasts, big buttocks. There are always exceptions to the rule, like Solid Snake in MGS, but in general its what I noticed. Games the Japanese intend to market heavily in the west, they tend to try to appeal more to western culture. And they are wise to do this. Most dudes in America don't want to play a game with young pink haired anime girls being sexualized. Edited by Beriallord
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Some people here get it and some have it going over their heads. The problem isn't that they are sexy, the problem is that they are sexy for the sake of it. Visual appearance is part of the overall design of a character and when you see women dressed up as sex workers, act out totally out of character and don't really reflect their personality which you are trying to convay (examples Edi and Miranda from ME, as well as half the current games which exist at the moment). This does not mean that I'm going to be up in arms if a woman(or man) has sex as part of their visual identity (examples Isabela, Morrigan and Zevran from DA). What I really want is more open character designs besides buff-male hero or sexy pointless chick and to stop focusing on sex to make their point. What I also want is that romances to have more than you + me = sex = love and to be more realistic in a sence, a strong female lead/gay male/bisexual person and more shapes besides buff and skinny (essenchally the end of mary/marty stu). Less stupid iron skirts from Oblivion and more of anyone that isn't an example of male masculinity. :thumbsup:
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I'm a big pervert. Personally, I'd be fine (read happy as a pig in sheeyite) with both sexes having no personality at all, and their stances being about displaying themselves in a slutty provocative and soulless way with no visual clues as to character development. Unfortunately, I don't think what I like would sell to feminists, misogynistic men, or even those unconcerned with bashing women or protesting the unfair representation of women.
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the problem is that they are sexy for the sake of it.

Why is that a problem exactly? That's like complaining that a porn mag has pictures of naked or nearly naked people in it. If the characters are sexy for the sake of being sexy, it is because the designers of those characters wanted them that way to either fill a given role in the game, or just be something for adolescent males to oogle. It is the way it is because there is a large market for it.


It's not that there isn't a market on the other side, it's just that that market hasn't really evolved beyond Twillight and other things that are usually too few and far between and often only noticed because of the rather large void that exists.


The REAL problem is that developers can't seem to get it in their heads that anyone other than sex-crazed, adolescent males who can only understand toilet humor plays games these days. They just can't seem to make the connection that most of the gamers these days are adults able to sort out complex plot points and recognize a broad range of themes and styles, and nearly half of those are female. That is really the only problem here, and that is why the forms that games take are, and always have been rather lopsided.

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