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Hi, im looking for resources like different shaded sand, grass, rock, i need more trees and and lots of bush's and plants, new wooden planks, hardwood flooring, new wall types, im also looking for modern city stuff like cement, metal walls, and even future and old western, eastern stuff that different style tile flooring, old dusty ground, dust winds.


im looking to make large maps, Desert, jungle, wasteland, even space stations, shuttles, and all are connected, by travailing with the space ship, a water world with very little/small islands, and there still is a ground under the water, so underwater tunnels to caves, ships and ship checkpoint-ports, i would like to make space stations on planet moons or asteroids, i want to make new lands and worlds with different sky's, day & night.


I am also in need of new crates, chests, safes, furniture, campfires, grindstones, smithy, tanning, workbench, all that.


any links to mods that i have not found yet would be very much appreciated, thanks.

Edited by demonguy
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