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race and gender mods


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I was wondering with so many mods out there is there 1 that will improve race and gender graphics. I have looked at so many my head hurts, LOL. I have texture mods installed for buildings flora and such but none for the NPC's and critters and so forth. Can I get some suggestions. Narrowing down the choices would really be help full.

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Personally i use Enhanced Character Edit for my character and Bijin's NPC, Warmaidens and Wives plus The Ordinary Women for my NPC overhauls. For animals i use Meeko and Vigilance are Huskies, Convenient Horses plus a retexture of most of the rest of the wildlife called Bellyaches Animals and Wildlife.


There is hundreds of other choices so it pretty much just comes down to what catches your eye. Thanks to the wonderful modders and the folks at the Nexus we are given near countless options on how to make our game look.

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SkySight Skins - Ultra HD Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes (4K ULTRA) Young Preset?

Better Male Presets 1_3-15641-1-3

Better Females by Bella Version 3-2812-3

Beauty Faces by necKros 131-1329-1-3-1


^These to make npcs look great.


Character Edit & Body Sliders for your face & body shapes.

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