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No Legendary Spawns


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Your legendary chance is GlobalVariable ChanceLegendary multiplied by fDiffMultLegendaryChance_[GameDifficultyCode]


ChanceLegendary is increased by LegendaryChanceQuest with player level. Between level 20 and 30 the base value is 12%


fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV multiplies ChanceLegendary by 1.5 (thats 150% not 1.5%) in survival, you have probably set it out of bounds at 85 if you are in survival mode.


To test if this is working for actors that are configured to use ChanceLegendary:


[ setgs fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV 1.0]

[ set ChanceLegendary to 100 ]


edit: if that works reset to normal for your player level


[ setgs fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV 1.5]

[ set ChanceLegendary to 12 ]

Edited by SKK50
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Ran both sets of commands, chance set properly, but, I still get the same results when using quest state,


Returns now as:

Value = 12.000


Enabled? No

State: stopped

Current stage: 100

Priority: 0

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I reset ChanceLegendary to 100, ran command and it came back as 100


Should I leave it there and go on? or back to 12? And secondly, will I need to do a full week wait to see the effects?

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(1) You need to set this for one hundred percent chance (again assuming you are in survival difficulty):


[ setgs fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV 1.0]

[ set ChanceLegendary to 100 ]

(2) Then generate some legendary spawns to check its working. if you don't have a usual spawning mod then;


[ player.placeatme 0016ca44 ] will give you a levelled radroach with ChanceLegendary



(3) If it works OK then reset to normal:


[ setgs fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV 1.5]

[ set ChanceLegendary to 12 ]

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Set SV to 1.0, Chance 100.

On the 7th spawn I got a Legendary mob, with a legendary drop.


Set to 1.5, Chance to 12

No legendary spawn in 40 attempts


set Chance to 100, left SV at 1.5,

No legendary spawn in 40 attempts



Built a kill box and spawned 30 in at once,

One legendary spawn



Went back into GCM, set spawn chance down to 1.5, left rarity at 85. Exited and restarted game. Checked chance and it read 12.00

Spawned 40, NO legendary mobs at all.


Reset SV to 1.0, Checked chance, read 12.00 (at lvl 29)

No legendary mobs


So, it seems GCM and the commands are working properly, at least as far as the settings go, however something is still stopping the settings from actually working.


Any ideas as to where to go to now?

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"set Chance to 100, left SV at 1.5" = 150, highly likely that it lacks defensive out of bounds coding so you have settings that calculate over 100 it just fails.


Since your not getting anything close to 100% spawns at 100% there is clearly another decelerator hanging around.

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Well, I suppose I could re-download Horizon, and check file by file to see if I left anything over, but I would not be able to tell for sure since the mod installs so many types of files, and I am not qualified to break open an esp or other packed file and chase down its contents.


Since it is possible an INI edit from a script is doing this, perhaps I can delete them all and let the game rebuild them?, or will it? I would really like to find a way to do this without crashing my entire install yet again, especially with being forced to do it manually since I am stuck using V 63.14 of NMM and cant update it, let alone that I have to manually add files to it now. If so, I am looking at another 2 days to re-install the game and all the mods, then do checks and settings.

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I am not a regular INI file or settings hacker, so this advice is limited, but every Fallout INI I have deleted has regenerated defaults fine.


Rename them and run the legendary tests again, what could possibly go wrong ?

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