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Help with view from interior cell window


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So my player home has a giant window on the second floor that is supposed to look out into the forests of Falkreath. However, due to the cell my interior is in, it looks like I've got an ocean outside.


Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get the view from this window to more accurately reflect what is outside?


The below picture is a screenshot of the window as it is right now.



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I have looked at a couple of mods that show a view from an interior cell. I believe one of them was levellers tower. The way that they seem to do what you want to do is. to build the interior cell as normal. Then infront of the window that they wish to look out of, they build a replica of the exterior location. I believe as I said before that levellers tower did this. His mod allowed the player too look out of the window at a mountain (I cant remember which one in skyrim it was). He just placed some mountain pieces outside the window so when you look through the window you could see a mountain and it gave the appearance of being able to look out of the window.


After looking at your screen shot, id like to ask what is supposed to be infront of the window? a mountain the forest of falkreath a ruin ? If its just a forest id suggest using some trial and error and placing some trees just outside the window. Then going in game and seeing how it looks. You may need to change the positioning of the trees or maybe even the tree itself. if its supposed to be a mountain with trees between the window and the mountain it would be easier. You would just add a mountain piece behind the trees. This would help hid the void outside of the window. Youd see the mountain, the trees and it would look like you was looking at a mountain through the window. Again if it was a cave or ruin with some of the forest in between then add the cave entrance or the ruin at the back with the trees infront. But the placement of the pieces will take some trial and error.


I would suggest maybe downloading some mods that give the affect you wish for, Such as leveller tower. Then go into the CK load up these mods and just find the windows, that allow you to look through them and see how they did it and try and work out what is gonna be best for yourself

Edited by ben446
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I had considered just rebuilding the exterior within the cell, but that seemed like the hard way of doing things. I was hoping there would be a simpler, more elegant solution. The window itself looks towards the small stone monument that can be found near the lake shore. Typically you'll find a skeleton or two traipsing around there. Beyond that is a semi-sunken road with a large mountain off to the far right. It's a rather complicated bit of ground. At least for someone with very limited experience in creating landscapes.


If I were to try and recreate the scene, I'd be unsure of how far to go. Though I suppose that would come down to my preference.

Edited by KiokothePirate
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I am also interested in this topic. Just started with the CK for SSE so be gentle with me.


I have started to create a player home that is built into a rock face. My idea is that the whole front of the house will be a transparent (glass) window. The goal is to be able to look out into Skyrim - move through a non load door (think French window) and be out on a balcony in Skyrim.


I have mostly finished the back of the house / cave but before spending more time constructing the front and window I need to know if it is possible.


The cell I am working on is an interior. Should I have made it an exterior cell? Is there anyway to copy what I have got so far (literally just meshes, textures and interior kit pieces atm) and move them to an exterior cell? Do I need to create this in a worldspace? I can not get my head around how best to make this work. What I do know though is that I do not want to cheat the view. It has to be Skyrim (Tamriel) when looking out of the window. I am ok with not being able to look back into the house through the window when out on the balcony (frosted glass) if this helps. Potential for an actual load door?? and an exterior cell linked to the interior?? But this still does not help with how to get an actual view from inside the interior cell.


I have thought about digging out a hole in my chosen rock face and slotting the contents of my interior esp into it. I am guessing a convert to an exterior cell for my data would be needed for that ... if that is even possible? This is as close as i have come to trying to work this out! I am reluctant to have to start all over again.


Any help on this will be much appreciated. Many thanks.

Edited by TyburnKetch
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If it's an interior cell, I think you're going to have to have a load door, even if you create a custom load door that looks like a beautiful glass window, with a representation of that portion of the outside world in the visible area. There's a section in the cell edit window, where you can tell it to view the local sky through holes, chimneys, windows, etc. That will help, as all you have to rebuild is the ground/tree portion that is visible. You will not be able to see NPCs walking around, dragons flying, etc., through windows though. Unfortunately, creating an exterior space may cause you some trouble with ownership of beds and containers, though.


What you could do is build an exterior "sunroom," with a load door to the interior of the home, so you can sit and enjoy the beautiful view of the actual outside, but still have the benefits of your sleeping and storage areas being interior cells. Perhaps huge picture window in the sun room, and high-mounted windows in the interior, so you can see the local sky but not have to build a landscape.

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Thank you for your fast and informative reply! You have made some interesting points and given some great ideas. If I can get the windows to look at the sky I think that could be enough for me. The spot I have picked is way up so the likelyhood is I would only see sky anyway. Will have a play around and see what I can come up with.


I have used a player home before (snapneck shack - great btw) that was an exterior home (no load doors) Although the bed was not owned the containers were secure so I think it would be possible to create the whole home as an exterior if that is a route I could go down. Theoretically do you know if is it possible to paste my interior render window contents into a new exterior esp? I have literally just got a layout atm with meshes, textures and kits.

Edited by TyburnKetch
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You should be able to create a new .esp, save it with a unique name, then go back to the data tab and add your current one as a plugin only, not as the active or master. Go to the area you're working on in your render window, use ctrl + click to select everything you have in place, either in the render window or in the cell contents list below it. (Can't think of what that lower box is called offhand, but it usually sits below the render window.) If you're copying items from an interior cell, it's usually easier to mass highlight them all in the list. If an outdoor cell, you'll have better accuracy only clicking on the things you're sure you want. Press CTRL and C to copy it, then go to where you want to put it (new interior cell, or existing worldspace, etc. Point at the spot where you want to set it all and click CTRL and V to paste it all down. If you're building multiple structural items, which are to snap together, you can also build them (or paste them) into an interior cell, then use that cell to copy/paste the final product into your worldspace.

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I was just in another thread about homes with transparent windows, and I remembered something pertinent to this. Elianora has a youtube tutorial out there, about making transparent spots in interior walls, to serve as windows to the outside world. You would still have to create the scene in front of it, but it may be of use to you. Just search her on youtube.

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