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Very Strange Loading Bug


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I played Skyrim for one or two weeks, when suddenly the loading times for quicktraveling, loading a savegame or entering "Skyrim" from a dungeon were about 8 times as high as usual. Sometimes I had to exit the game via the task manager because it loaded for 2 hours already without continueing.

Now the strange thing comes in. I found a way to fix the problem:

  2. I loaded a savegame
  3. I waited for a few seconds on the loading screen
  4. I pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL
  5. I started the taskmanager
  6. I waited a few seconds again
  7. The windows cursor disappeared
  8. It switched automatically to Skyrim
  9. The game has finished loading(after half a minute!)

It seems that it takes only a few seconds to load but than the loading screen doesn't go away. The above workaround works always, but sometimes the windows cursor is still there ingame, which is very annoying.

So, is there a way to fix this long loading bug without using the above method?


My Specs:

AMD Athlon X2 64

ATI Radeon HD Mobility 4500/5100 Series

Windows Vista 32

Latest drivers


Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Midas Magic


Everything on low, except Textures=middle

Edited by GPYRoader
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Unfortunately, this bug isn't as strange as you might think. Myself and many others have been experiencing this since launch day.


You have found the only known workaround already, the good ol' three finger salute. But you don't have to actually start the Task Manager, or wait for the game to come back up on it's own. After pressing alt/ctrl/del, just hit the cancel button.


The only issue with this workaround is the cursor thing. I have found that fast-travelling usually fixes this.

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