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What SWTOR looks like


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Game may look good, but it's a ghost town. Just about everyone I know who bought it and a membership has stopped playing.


yes and no. its no dead. but its not exactly alive. something like WoW, no matter the server, your going to find people. SWTOR however, there are only like 3 or 4 servers that are listed as Heavy, whereas the other 20+ are light. join a heavy server and you feel like your playing WoW....i got it like a month or so ago, played it for almost the whole month and then stopped cause i had joined an empty server my friend was on. he told me to get it, but by the time i did, he had stopped playing. though once this 1.3 Allies patch hits, i might consider going back.

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So why did people stop playing it? It looks fantastic. What are your opinions of it? I'm such a SW fan, been waiting for an MMORPG like this, etc etc (like everyone else), but what happened? And what's with this new update?
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So why did people stop playing it? It looks fantastic. What are your opinions of it? I'm such a SW fan, been waiting for an MMORPG like this, etc etc (like everyone else), but what happened? And what's with this new update?


this comes from someone who has never reached a level cap in an MMO...but i enjoyed the game. you just have to make sure you either A) have friends who play it or B) join a heavy server. if you join an empty server, it gets boring imo. i like playing MMOs solo for a while, and TOR does soloing quite fun, but i was on an empty server, and i rarely got to take part in group stuff....with the free character server change they are giving i might start back up and move to a heavy server....also i think they are adding like a dungeon queue or something (something it desparetly needs) even with the flashpoints and stuff, you still have to wait to find people to play with, as is, there is no queue to add yourself to, in which you can just quest until your found a slot and automatically be brought to the dungeon. right now you have to give shout outs in chat for groups, and if your questing, by the time someone says yes to it, you could be very far away from where you need to be, so you gotta run back and yea, gets to be a pain, esp on a low populated server....but like i said, pick a heavy server and the game would be a blast....again though, idk about end game content, as ive never gotten sucked into and addicted to an MMO enough to play till level cap....closest i got was 46 in WoW when Cata came out, which was what? a lvl 80 cap?...and 19 in SWTOR.

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People left for many reasons. One of the big reasons would be the game defaults to a really poor AA & AF even on high settings. Then the performance was poor on many powerful machines anyway. It's performance has become better, but it still defaults to a low quality image. Most of these picutres look good because it's forced 8X CSAA and 16X Texture filtering. To do this you have to input a search code to find a hidden config file. I don't remember the code, but it was long. You could even get a more detail than these pictures if you wanted. It doesn't look terible on lowest settings either, but high graphics can make up for a lot of issues gamers have.





















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