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Stuttering with Skyrim 1.6


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Have NO idea if this is what causing it but usually it's a lack of vram right? I have 1.5gb on my 580 and I was watching my resource monitor and its at 100% usage for memory!! Wow! So did this patch add some 4096 textures or something? Because I never had it this bad and I haven't installed any new high res mods.


I am currently using the skyrim optimizer tool for textures (after backing everything up too) so I'll see if reducing the texture sizes helps the stuttering.

Edited by IsolatedPurity
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Im having the same problem too, since 1.6 i've been having stuttering issues and long save times. Its like 1.6 broke most of the game! For Ref im using a EVGA Overlocked 570 with the latest Nvidia drivers.
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So does optimizer textures work?

My VRAM usage has also shot through the roof since 1.6 and now getting CTD's........I never had any crashes with 1.5.

Yes it works, but since i don't have crashes anymore i don't notice anything, but it improved my FPS by 25% right after you exit the first cave to the world map (i do it here because the ENB i use removes Fog and there's a lot mroe stuff to render than in Whiterun, i can't go to Mark yet so i can't try there), i had 30 FPS now it goes to 40, this using Superb-ENB with SSAO and Serious HD textures with a couple more textures for trees, grass etc.

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But I don't use SKSE, I only have three texture mods (for cities, landscape and dungeons). Specifically there are from the Skyrim HD 2K, and some body mod like Caliente's CBBE and the Remodeled Armor mod for CBBE. I've been using ENB (quality, not performance), and no stutter would occur for patch 1.5 and before. After the update to 1.6, there are stutters when moving around, but no framerate loss (or rather a small ~4 fps) for some reason. However, all animations were removed before the update happened. I used to run at ~35 fps (since I use a laptop) but it was pretty smooth gameplay with little loss (even in big cities). However, with the update, my fps dropped to ~30 fps with stutters. I'm really confused right now.


'Tis the same for me, be it a saved game or a new one. With all mods other than textures off, or all but the mod I was working on, my fps is little to none and if I try to pan around to have a look, my camera goes wonky. I am in the process of building a player house and only noticed this upon loading to check things out. Before the patch, I could COC to the house from the load menu, have a look-see with no issues at all. Now I try it and have the fps, stutter, and camera pan problems. It's a headache.



I noticed also that the CK updated... wondering if I will need to redo the mod I'm working on as well. :wallbash:

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I'm getting crashes, freezes and stuttering now.


The crashes happen at random when I'm just walking around in the open world. Same happens with the freezes. The game just hangs, music continues. I'm forced to use the task manager to close skyrim.

I also get a random low fps spikes. This all happened since update 1.6.

I've tried multiple things including the sound fix things, update all my drivers. Reinstall skyrim, but nothing works.

I used to play this game on high settings, even though the launcher recommends me to play on ultra.

But now I can't even play it on medium.


I have a lot of mods installed.


My specs


Windows 7 64bit

Intel core I7 - 3.1GHz

12288MB RAM

DirectX 11

ATI Radeon HD 5700 (2283MB memory)

Monitor Name: SyncMaster S27A350H (Digital)

Monitor Model: SMS27A350H

Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)

Output Type: HDMI



Thank you guys :'C

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I have a laptop with the following:


i7 2630QM ~2.0 GHz (~2.9 GHz with TurboBoost)

ATI HD 6770M 1 GB

8 GB Ram


Been running vanilla Skyrim, on medium-high setting (as recommended), at a medium resolution at the rate of ~ 57 fps. With my custom ENB profile, it's been at ~36 fps, with no stutter and no further drops (except in Markarth ~30 fps). This is all before update 1.6 dropped into my life. Now with vanilla, it's around ~53 fps, and with ENB at ~30 fps, with stutters. No changes were made in the settings, and all textures, except Calientes' CBEE body mod, are optimized with the Texture Optimizer. I'm totally flabbergasted at the change, since the update notes states that there would be general fixes and optimizations. Bethesda made a huge mistake with putting shadows on the CPU; a PC has a GPU that should be use more. It's a console port according to some people. Great game, but I wish I could enjoy it more.

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Sorry for the late response! Okay, so I did the Optimizer on every single thing I could. Also defragged my computer, bla bla. Anyway, the result was YES it is a lot smoother but STILL has a bit of stuttering. Not a lot mind you, I can now engage in combat without looking at a frozen screen for 10 seconds. Maybe my $500 graphics card just isn't enough for the amazing Skyrim mods I have downloaded.


PS After using the optimizer I honestly didn't notice any difference in terms of quality.

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