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Stuttering with Skyrim 1.6


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does anyone have ideas on this? I know the "release" patch is exactly the same as the last beta patch, right down to the version number but could there really be a memory leak or something in 1.6?
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I have an increase in ctds since the newest patch. Where as I got a ctd every 24-30 hours of gameplay before the patch, I now have a crash every 30-60 minutes.


I can't tell if this is related to mods, and I really don't feel like testing it, because after 2 month of hardcore modding I finally wanted to play the game again.


The only relation I have with OP and other people posting here, is SKSE. But the official thread reports nothing like the problems posted here.

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There's seems to be many bugs regarding setting thread priority for multiple cores after patch 1.6. I monitored my processor core usage, and I saw that it was only using 2 cores, whereas before the patch it was using all four of my cores. Correct me if I'm wrong in this. I found a way to help alleviate this problem by using my ENB profile and setting the following parameters:










The reason for "ForceFakeVideocard" is set to true is due to my having a ATI card. I asked Boris about this and he said it works better on some ATI cards, including my laptop's 6770M. Nevertheless I get stutters only ~5% of the time now with ~38 fps, which is pretty optimal in my case.

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I have also experienced many freezes of the game in seemingly random locations since 1.6. No CTD or slutter, the screen freezes while the sound is still playing. In addition, my graphic card fan gets increasingly faster until I exit the game via task manager. Gonna try different things like the texture optimizer or running without SKSE.


EDIT: I found something interesting in the latest update for my ATI 5700: "Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: no longer hangs on single GPU configurations when used with AMD Catalyst 12.3 CAP1 and later CAP releases. I have a dual-core, but maybe Skyrim is effing up and only using one. Didn't update it before because I thought that it causes problems with DIII, turns out that it's only for some GC D:

Gonna update that and get back to you.

Edited by Mastata
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I have been experiencing incredibly low FPS and stuttering with or without ENB. Since the full update. I thought maybe it was SKSE. Ran the game without it, still have problems. Got rid of all non-essential mods, same problem. I honestly don't know what is wrong.


GTX 560

12gb Ram

Quadcore CPU

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I have some new information on this I think. I've been running experiments using older save games i had laying around created in earlier versions, and even started a name game. While some of the stuttering is there still I've noticed I've not had ANY CTDs really with the 1.6 Made Character. Ones made in earlier versions consistently had long save times, CTDs, hangs etc. I dont know if its possible, but I Cant help but think 1.6 broke characters made in earlier versions of the game. I have talked to a few others and they seem to have the same issue, 1.6 created characters are very stable compared to even 1.5 created characters.
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I have some new information on this I think. I've been running experiments using older save games i had laying around created in earlier versions, and even started a name game. While some of the stuttering is there still I've noticed I've not had ANY CTDs really with the 1.6 Made Character. Ones made in earlier versions consistently had long save times, CTDs, hangs etc. I dont know if its possible, but I Cant help but think 1.6 broke characters made in earlier versions of the game. I have talked to a few others and they seem to have the same issue, 1.6 created characters are very stable compared to even 1.5 created characters.


I'm having the hanging/freezing issue with new characters too. Gonna test what I said earlier, this afternoon.


EDIT: Yeah uh... I had a problem with steam, tried repairing but didn't work so I thought "I'll just uninstall and reinstall", but... I had no idea it actually deleted all your steam games with it -_- And all my ~150 mods with it... So I think I'll just take a break from Skyrim after all :/

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My FPS dropped a lot in first person mode, did a full reinstall of the game with 1.6 patch, can't use ENB at all now, but even without FFXA post process injector my fps is still terrible in first person. FOV is also turned down from 80 to 70.


The character is a clean one created on the fresh 1.6 install as well. On ATI 4770.


Problem exists with or without mods. I only have 512mb vram so I dont use any texture enhancement mods anyway. Ran just fine last patch with enb and ffxa.

Edited by Malakai88
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