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Disable maps


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For the sake of divine realism. Kill the immersion crippling GPS! I'm tired of maps, i want to feel as if i would be traveling in lands of Skyrim, using it's mountains and rivers as navigational beacons but not ignoring my suroundings and monitoring my position in a GPS! I want to think twice before diving in to a dungeon or a forest, i want to get lost and try to work my way out, looking at the sky or running water.


Disable both world an local maps with player indicator, markers and marker announcement texts. Make it blank, make it off screen, disable accessibility, i don't care how really, i just want maps gone. Thank you.

Edited by DEADmetal
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In Skrim's Prefs.ini file verify the following are 0 value






You won't have a compass, you won't have Quest Markers on your map, you won't have floating quest markers over items and doors and such. The last one disables your crosshair to make it more realistic.


in game open console and type "enablefasttravel 0" and then "tmm 0" - disables your ability to fast travel and makes the make forget places you've been to.


if that still isn't enough type "tm" - which disables your access to any menu including maps (so if you do this you'll want to bind your most common spells and weapons to hotkeys first)


shy of a complete GUI overhaul mod that doesn't include maps that's about as good as you can get with vanilla that I know of.

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