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Is there a way to stop followers from running into me?


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Greetings Skyrim SE community,


This one issue has been around for a long time and I was wondering if anyone had come up with a fix / workaround / or just a means to stay sane.


My followers keep running right into me. Not all the time. It's not constant or a glitched NPC. Every few minutes whoever is with me just runs or walks or sneaks right into me... sometimes in slow motion.


It really is maddening.


Temporary followers are actually even worse than regular followers this way. Karliah (because she follows in first position), the guy who wants to go to Eldergleam sanctuary, Serana (before being managed by AFT), and others have actually run into me from behind and pushed me off cliffs or into traps. Dogs (like Barbas >.< ) are so frustrating that they're not even worth keeping around. And it all seems to stem from one specific behavior: the NPC's AI package directs them toward the PC without a hard-coded offset and instead rely on the scripting engine to keep them out of the PC's lap. And, as we are all no-doubt aware, the scripting engine frequently gets a leeetle bit sluggish. Hence they run into the player before the script catches up.

So... does anyone know a way to make this work right?

Thanks for the attention.


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It is prone to happen when you go from fast speed to a sudden stop. They have trouble stopping on a dime like the player can. Thus they end up pushing the player. You could adjust the range so that they are following further back but that could be problematic if you have a lot of followers. Even if you hard code an offset, my Followers as Companions mod (original Skyrim) does this for the side by side feature, they'll still run past and move back to that offset position when making drastic speed changes.


Best course of action, however, is to know where you want to go and slow down from a run to a walk a short distance before hand. That way, they'll have time to slow down and be less likely to run you over.

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Greetings IsharaMeradin,


and thank you for your insightful and well meaning reply.



I am aware of the braking issue followers have. It's irritating but I managed to adapt to that some time ago. When I've sprinted ahead I do my best to slow to a walk a few paces before getting to my destination or, if I've gotten a long way ahead, I keep an eye on them so I can dodge as they come running up. Annoying but what can you do?


The behavior I'm referring to, however, often seems to happen after the party has stopped and is often most pronounced when sneaking. They tend to try climbing into my lap or do that teleporty thing when they're trying to move through something they can't and the next thing I know I'm being pushed... occasionally into something upleasant... like a trap or fall.


Sigh. It's just an engine issue, isn't it? There really is nothing that can be done about it other than practicing my deep breathing, is there?

Oh well. It was worth a shot.


Cheers, and thanks again.

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PS - After looking over Followers as Companions I had to come back here to offer some gentle encouragement to port it to SE. That actually looks wonderful.

I do wonder about this, though: "Not compatible with any mod that modifies the stock DialogueFollower quest." That pretty much includes every follower management system out there, doesn't it? AFT, EFO, EFF, etc? Convenient Horses?

Edited by WHITELION1284
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PS - After looking over Followers as Companions I had to come back here to offer some gentle encouragement to port it to SE. That actually looks wonderful.


I do wonder about this, though: "Not compatible with any mod that modifies the stock DialogueFollower quest." That pretty much includes every follower management system out there, doesn't it? AFT, EFO, EFF, etc? Convenient Horses?

That is right. I modified the DialogueFollower quest. That breaks behavior for those other mods. That is the major reason tonycubed2 created the multi-follower version. But regarding SSE, I won't be porting it. All the gentle encouragement in the world won't work. It is available to be adapted into other mods if such authors choose to do so.

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