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Mage ring shield/barrier shield in ring slot.


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Well would like to say port but somehow doubt that gonna work from oblivion.

But this i a request for shield rings. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42069


Basically energy barrier looking circles that are placed abit above hands,

(prolly in ring slot so they work with spells and weapons equipped (or maybe glove, dont sure how skyrim does it).


Dont feel like it would be to hard from a logical stand point, using a disc shaped model as base (shield?)

but i cant figure out CK nor do i know crap about 3d modelling :confused: so im asking here, hoping someone is feeling charitable :thumbsup:


PM me if your interested / want help, i could prolly help out with textures (know my way around PShop and made some personal textures for FONV).

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