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Help ( I am new to this site joined earlier today ) I cant get these mods for oblivion to work





the ones I am trying to download are


















Trying to install them they download half way then my computer says it cant read it and to contact administator so I hope you guys can help me out I rlly want to play oblivion so I need these mods to work thanks.

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More info is needed!


Is Oblivion working without the mods?

What exactly is the error message that you're getting?

What OS are you using? What is your Oblivion install path?


Also, the link isn't working so people can't figure out what you're trying to install without some Google-fu. Perhaps edit the post with the name of the mods.


Lastly, those mods are very hefty, complex mods. Don't make the mistake of trying to install them all at once and expecting it to work... and expect to spend some time tweaking their installations to make them work with each other.

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C:\Users\troy\Downloads\ULComp172_BAIN-19370.7z could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.


Try again later, or contact the server administrator thats what it says.


Windows 7 processor i7 oblivion does work but the graphics and UI suck that's why I want to use the mods on it.

Edited by James224
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Ty Il ltry to fix firexfox if not ill use internet explore


One more question


I downloaded this mod and got it onto Oblivion MOD manger then I precede to play the game but it dosent show up the map and controls are no different....



DarNified UI



As I saided I have it activated on my Oblivion MOD but its not fixing the interface in game.

Edited by James224
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