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That seems like a pretty cool class and I agree with the whole fillers thing.. I use a mod called "No Class" which does the same..


Do you use any mods for magic or anything for new spells or to increase willpower and/or intelligence?


Supreme magicka, and some mod that doubles, triples, or more to your magicka. Mainly because enemies from Francescos mod are so hard to take down so I need a lot more of it. 5 or more shots from a spell that costs 90 magicka just to bring a bandit down, so im not cheating.

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There is a mod i would suggest that you could try its called:

Midas Magic of Aurum. It adds a shop in the Arcane University section of the IC.. It adds a bunch of awesome spells that Mage's could use.


Some of the spells are:

Resurrection ( Can resurrect your self when dead ) you cast this like 10secs before your about to die

There are fire, frost, lightening spells that are really cool..

Environmental Spells that are also pretty cool.. like spells that can open a small oblivion portal that you can enter to a random section of Oblivion.

you can also control the environment like make earth quakes and throw bolder.


My favorite parts about the mod are the transformation part.

You can transform your self to a wolf, bird or summon a magic carpet..


The mod is really incredible you should check it out




Also if you do decide to download it there is another thing that you could as well. Its called Midas Spells for sale because the way that you obtain the spells is by objects that are hard to find so this mod just lets you buy them instead of spending 10+hrs finding the right equipment..



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The character I'm using mostly at the moment is my arcane archer. I use the Arcane Archery mod to weave magic into my bow-shots and conjure arrows. It's not an OP mod though, so I'm having fun with it.

The class is called Arcanist,

Specialization: Stealth, Willpower and Agility.

Major skills: Marksman, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Sneak, Mercantile, and Alchemy.


Pretty much gameplay goes like this: I'm sneaking around, and see a troll. If I'm lucky, it doesn't see me back. I move into a dark corner and conjure some arrows that are whatever element the enemy is weak against, aim and fire. Now, with another mod I have installed, they won't know where I am instantly. (I mean, really, I found that the fact they get all psychic when you shoot them is kind of ridiculous. Without even stopping to locate you before charging.) They will often have an idea where I came from, and will head towards me. I try to get as much stealth hits in as I can before they see me (Usually only one more, lol) Then depending on how strong it is I kite them by backpedaling and jumping backwards, if I can slip into stealth again I will, (I have a 10 second invisibility spell I made to try and escape to another dark corner) if not just keep kiting, lol.


Really enjoyable playstyle for me, and is working pretty well for my first above normal difficulty playthrough. (75%)

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That seems pretty cool i like the idea of an Arcane Archer.. Someone who is advanced in magic and is able to weve it in to basic combat..

I think that would be awesome game play and make everything a little more interesting. I like this one mod its called Arcane Infusion maybe you'd like that..


It lets you cast magic from any equitable items. SO if your using a sword you can cast a file ball or what ever spell you have selected from the tip of it

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I'm playing two characters at the moment, and having a lot of fun with both. I try to mix up some valuable majors with 'filler' to slow down the levelling.


The first, my main character, is a Breton Battlemage (level 22), with favoured attributes Willpower/Intelligence and major skills including Destruction, Restoration, Light Armour, and Blade. I decided that despite the fillers I was levelling too quickly with destruction as a major (surprise, surprise) so decided to change tack slightly and rely on powerful summons to do the hard work, throwing in the occasional fireball (or lightning bolt in Oblivion) and still falling back on my blade/light armour for when things get hectic. I've been spending a lot of time smashing through Oblivion gates recently and have finally got a nice Glass armour set enchanted with fortify magica, so things are really rocking. I've just hit 100 Conjuration and 75 Destruction too ;)


As my main is fairly White and honourable, I've created an alt with a deep, dark side - a Vampyric Dark Elf Assassain (currently level 6). Favoured attributes are Speed/Agility, and majors include Marksman, Sneak, Security Acrobatics and Athletics. I'm deep into the Dark Brotherhood quests, and am dabbling in the Theives Guild too altho they're a bit soft for me. I got Vampirism early and keep it at an advanced level, which means awesome relative skill boosts (a lot of my skills are double what they'd normally be), and while it has obvious big disadvantages (keeping out of the sun is hard, but people refusing to talk to me is worse) I'm quite enjoying the challenge of having to adapt. My only slight disappointment is that I don't really like the 'elf' look, so created an awesome Black Millitary one, but being a vampyre has deformed it into "Gaunt Blue Alien". Ah well.


What I love about Oblivion is how utterly different and enjoyable both characters are. Playing the Mage Guild/Main Quest with my main and the DB/TG with my alt, relying on magic with one and sneaking/lockpicking with the other, killing with fire and swords or arrows and fists - I've hardly had any repetition at all despite playing hours and hours.


I've got plans to start a big brawny Axeman too with a 'splat first, ask questions later' ethic to try the Fighters Guid/Arena, and hopefully again I'll have another entirely different experience.


Im playing as 3 Diffrent Charictors A mage (Breton), A warrar (Norse) and a Thief/Assasin (Dark Elf )


Just seen this! Seems we both had the same ideas. I suppose a lot of others have too.

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Hey Unitedite,

Those characters seem pretty cool and the game experience does change with different races..

I think i might have a good race for you to use for an axe man. Hes a really big muscle guy who defently looks like a ax as his weapon and would be great in the Arena. Hit me up with a message if you would want to use him.

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Hey Unitedite,

Those characters seem pretty cool and the game experience does change with different races..

I think i might have a good race for you to use for an axe man. Hes a really big muscle guy who defently looks like a ax as his weapon and would be great in the Arena. Hit me up with a message if you would want to use him.


Thanks for the suggestion!


Atm I'm happy just playing through the vanilla game, but when I start looking into mods etc I'll give you a shout.

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My actual character:


Name: Sergio Magnus

Race: Imperial (male)

Major Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Athletics, Acrobatics, Sneak, Destruction, Speechcraft.

Current Level: 19

He fights with a freakin' cool chainsaw sword I got from a mod and wearing a longcoat ( that graphically fits with the rest of the things in Oblivion ), facing the enemies directly or by jumping, moving and dashing around them, hitting and dodging rapidly. ( I put the game difficulty bar normally between medium and high to make the game challenging ). He doesn't have even an Infamy point, and everyone likes him, but he's actually an average-to-good assassin thanks to his Sneak skill. When his Blade skill is useless against enemies that are too far from him, he starts throwing fire balls, lighting, ice and other spells against them ( or just running into their general direction rapidly and slashing the s**t out of them ). He is also good at talking with NPCs.

Thanks to his Athletics and Acrobatics skills, he can basically pull out a Parkour-Ninja Mode whenever and wherever he wants.


A bit off-topic:

And this is his partner. Custom made by me. Her name's Alyssa, she's a character of mine. Say hello.

Edited by Sergiroth
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Class: Guardsman

Focus: Combat

Primary Stats: Strength and Endurance

Skillset: Alchemist, Armorer, Athletics, Blade, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Marksman

Essentially an independently-operating soldier. Alexi is built to go for long periods of time outside of cities (Alchemy, Armorer) and hold his own in any gear and at any range (Block levels up quickly despite not being a "primary" skill). Coincidentally, he's a character import from my Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard army (Stormtrooper Sergeant).



Mystic Elf Child

Class: Daedrahunter

Focus: Magic

Primary Stats: Willpower and Agility

Skillset: Acrobatics, Alteration, Athletics, Conjuration, Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Mysticism

Based on the Demon Hunters of the Warcraft series, Feronas is an agile spellcaster who wears absolutely no significant armor but fights in melee anyway - in fact, the child-race physique makes unarmed combat even closer than usual - relying on speed, agility, and close-range magical firepower to see him through. Destruction and Restoration are already at higher ratings than any primary skill.

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