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Why does Bethesda still not add nudity in games?


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the argument works both ways,


why add Nudity?

why remove Nudity?



That's reversed again. There is no "why add nudity" question, as nudity is not something you "add". Clothes are added, whereas nudity is the default state.

The question is really, "why add perma-underwear?", and there's no real reason.


I'm not saying people should be running around Skyrim naked, that wouldn't make sense in a tundra. I'm saying perma-underwear should not exist.

Edited by Rennn
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He nudity is Normal, Take a shower you see you Body, Nudity.! I don´t understand the US laws a bout it? But there have the BIGEST PORNO Indutrie over the world? MHHHH.

Make you mind.....


Not a native language for you and yet you hit a nail right on the head. Largest hardcore porn industry in the world and yet the simple shot of male or female full nudity creates an uproar. mostly full male nudity too. actresses, once the boobs come out in a movie then the career starts dying. males.. once the penis is shown.... dead career. but in the same token we have the biggest porn industry and subscribers to the porn... Odd how that double standard goes from film to all other forms of entertainment. Most popular mods.. sex or nudity or skimpy... most complained about mods.. sex, nudity, anime.


There's no real good reason that a game cannot contain nudity for an M rating. simulated sex in movies with full frontal nudity receive the equal rating as long as its not the whole movie. if you dont like seeing the jiggly bits then look at another spot on the screen and act like an adult should. if you are offended by it then see a shrink and talk about how your own body and sexuality embarrasses you.


On the other hand Bethesda making a good nude model and good sex scenes... No thanks. They cannot make a good male or female figure with clothes much less titillating, and animations.. yeah thats even worse...


So my conclusion, there's nothing wrong with sex or nudity in any media, as long as it wasn't made by Bethesda.

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the argument works both ways,


why add Nudity?

why remove Nudity?



That's reversed again. There is no "why add nudity" question, as nudity is not something you "add". Clothes are added, whereas nudity is the default state.

The question is really, "why add perma-underwear?", and there's no real reason.


I'm not saying people should be running around Skyrim naked, that wouldn't make sense in a tundra. I'm saying perma-underwear should not exist.


There's no real reason to have nudity either. Why have nudity? What's the point?


Okay, you have dual-wielding, which lets you wield two weapons, that adds to the gameplay.


You have Dragon Shouts which add various spell effects and shake up gameplay.


But nudity? Who's really going to run around naked in Skyrim? You said it, no one's gonna be running around nude. It wouldn't make sense unless the player just wanted to run naked.


You're not gonna be looking at someone nude for more than a second before you move on to loot another body, unless you have some sort of fascination with it. It gets the point across for something you're only gonna see every once in a while.


So basically having nudity or not is completely arbritrary and the entire backing behind adding nudity is 'we want nudity'. If you want it so much, just download a nude mod. Problem solved.

Edited by InuyashaFE
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Why suffer the ERSB blow when you can just have the nude mod community handle it?


Also they used to have nude models in Daggerfall or something if you didn't have anything equipped.

Edited by dwellufool
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The question is really, "why add perma-underwear?", and there's no real reason.


By adding nudity:


Game turns AO rating.

Game loses stores that sells the game.

Bethesda loses profit.


Seriously, is it that hard to understand? It is not about gameplay, it is about profit. They would gain nothing by adding nudity. The sales would not increase, but decrease due to stores not selling AO games. On the other hand, the modding community adds it for you. That way the game will be rated M and about every store will put it up for sale, and you can have your nudity.

Edited by Matth85
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And I've still yet to see one reply that convinces me what it adds in terms of gameplay either.


People keep bringing up the word realism. Realism. Ok. Just what _real_ scenarios in your game are you going to encounter where nudity would enchance your experience? Like the other guy said.. you loot a corpse and it's naked. OK... almost word for word what he said... unless you have a fascination with this sort of thing it gets old after you see a few.


So what scenario is going to make your experience better by providing this so called realism? For one thing I've yet to see any evidence that nordic culture doesn't have a sense of propriety (although this is certainly Bethesda's intention as well), so realistically what are you hoping for? Some easter egg where you catch an NPC showering under a waterfall?


Unless you think adding perverted humor enhances the game, because I can just IMAGINE the videos and screen shots people would come up with.


Adding nudity to the stock game doesn't equate to more hours of gameplay and therefore the bottom line is, it's not worth the headache.

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the argument works both ways,


why add Nudity?

why remove Nudity?



That's reversed again. There is no "why add nudity" question, as nudity is not something you "add". Clothes are added, whereas nudity is the default state.

The question is really, "why add perma-underwear?", and there's no real reason.


I'm not saying people should be running around Skyrim naked, that wouldn't make sense in a tundra. I'm saying perma-underwear should not exist.


it isn't real life, there is no "default state" in a video game in terms of models

so "why add nudity" is not wrong


the bad outweighs the good nudity brings to the game, it's as simple as that

Edited by Seviraph
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And I have yet to see a reply with a convincing answer as to why the anti nudity people find nudity so disturbing. It seriously worries me that we are teaching people to have hang-ups about something that we all have, a naked body. Kids are growing up with this attitude that nudity is somehow sinful and that only leads to more of a puerile attitude, sniggering in corners at dirty mags and so on.


By all means, if people do NOT want in game nudity in their game that's fine, but do not go around assuming and even stating that people who do are perverts and sniggering pubescent teenagers. (Female, 51, as it happens.)


Heck there are nudes all over the Sistine Chapel, are you going to cause a stink about that? For goodness sake, those of us who use nude mods do NOT have our characters running around naked all the time. I find Stemin's attitude particularly offensive, since he seems to be imputing some kind of perversion. That isn't what it's about. If I loot a corpse, it's naked, so what? I move on and loot the next one (there are often rather a lot as my character's archery skills are high and she creates havoc from a distance.) By the way, exposing dead enemies or criminals naked was considered part of the punishment and ritual humiliation - sometimes even before they were actually dead, eg the condemned man would be stripped to be either quartered or crucified, as it happens.


Actually there is a scenario already in Skyrim where you get people bathing in the hot springs, it doesn't make sense to me that they would have paused to don a bikini or bathing shorts. (My toon always steals their possessions, point of thieves honour.) Having visited Sweden more than once, I found that actually the Nordic countries have a relaxed attitude to nudity. It certainly isn't "in your face" all the time, which I would not want!, but it isn't considered crime of the century if, for example, you give a flash while changing at the beach or lakeside ( or skinny dip in some places.)


Having said this, I can see that Beth have sound commercial reasons for not adding nudity, I just deplore the kind of attitudes that put them in that position. I still think the modders can do a better job, we have female bodies by Caliente, Dimon99, eronel55 and KrisTa, and a male body, that are testament to that.

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I really think we shouldn't compare violence to nudity in the case of skyrim, and why do I think that?


Because Skyrim is a war game. It has civil war, a dragon invasion, and god knows what else.


Imo, violence is a part of the storyline. Nudity is not. And while I can respect that some people would like nudity, I just think that skyrim isn't supposed to be about that.

If it were to be implemented in a tastefull matter, or sex scenes with spouses (once someone improves the dialogue options with them, my avatar doesn't have sex with people who can only say 3 lines) then I'd be completely pro-nudity.

But when nudity isn't important to the storyline and still implemented, I think it would just ruin the game. Me myself, I am only interested of seeing the genitals of someone I know well, not of some random bandit with nice armor. So, seen as there are large groups of people not comfortable with nudity, and nudity not being important to the gameplay in any way, I think Bethesda is making the right call on this.


As for violence being more accepted than nudity, this is human nature. War and fights are something done in groups, everyone can watch, everyone can join. Sex and being nude together is often something more intimate and private. Is this biased? Yes. What are you going to do about it.


Conclusion: Just be happy and gratefull with our awesome kick-ass modding community :)

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Another one who has got it wrong.


I repeat, I am not interested in seeing the genitals of a random bandit just for the sake of it, but if I do so when I've killed them and taken their armour, I am not going to need the smelling salts. As I said, we are talking about portraying the sort of times when people would have been used to seeing naked criminals being punished, and when stripping the corpses of the executed/those killed in battle was routine.


Funny how The Witcher 2 (full frontal Triss in one cutscene) and Age of Conan got away with an M rating, despite the argument that routine nudity would confine games to the porn shop. Mind you those are both European developed games.


Still think that the modders can do it better than Bethesda ever could, despite my views on nudity in general.

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