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The Nether Lich have an emergency


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never heard of it..


but is is worth tjecking out..


Upon further listening this morning it seems it is any of the Lich and it happens after they've lost some health.


I can't imagine why this would have been put in the game but if anybody can confirm that they DON'T hear it perhaps it was hidden in one of the mods I have. heh



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Seems reasonable to me. Some sword/spell wielding hooligan bursts into your necromantic lair, knocks over your favorite alter, starts attacking your coworkers, that sounds like an emergency to me.
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I was wondering where your response was, Ricky! hehe. I'm just glad you didn't rant at me that you had a relative who has these same emergencies and I should feel guilty!


Well I too would think it would be emergency circumstances but really, a powerful undead being in this fantasy world using the word "emergency"? It still seems odd. Besides, I think it is hidden because it isn't in his same voice. I may only be hearing it because I have 5.1. *shrug*



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Well, it just so happens that I have an uncle who's a lich, thank you very much for bringing that up! I'll have you know that he's a doctor, and a well respected member of society.

i wouldnt call the Co-Workers Ricky i would call them Nercomantic Servents


Carth Onasi

Oh, well, I'm sure you wouldn't tyreil. We all know how you feel about liches. And let me tell you, it's people like you who keep honest, hard-working liches out of the jobs they deserve. Do you have any idea how hard my uncle had to work to get where he is now?! You make me sick.

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And once again Ricky manages to screw a topic completely over! Good show I say! :)
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