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I was going through the profiles of some of the forum members that have been on recently, and was somewhat surprised at the dearth of information in many of them. This led me to question whether or not anyone (perhaps besides myself and the moderators and admins) actually reads them.


Not that I am criticizing those who do not more fully fill them out, or those that do not view them; It is mostly that I am curious as to who reads them and why?


For myself, I believe it provides the necessary marketing data for my global domination plans. Not really, but it can lead to some insight as to who these people are. Besides, I already have all the marketing information I need… :P

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I, too, have a penchant for browsing profiles (myself), if for no other reason than personal amusement. Occassionally, you will locate a true gem! ;) I believe the lack of personal information you may encounter is owed, most likely, towards personal dispositions towards privacy.


This is why I have hoped Dark One's suggestion to make greater use of alternate means of communication will be well met.

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I personally don't read many profiles.


If I read a post by somebody and I'm a bit intrigued, I will read the profile in hopes of getting in contact with them. Due to the incompleteness of many of the profiles it proves near impossible.


That's why I read profiles.



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nobody read my profile, it contains links to porn sites. Evil stuff ya know.




*dives for the profile link*


That was just evil of you... you are guilty of treason against the People. Please report to your local execution office to recieve your sentence. And remember, Comrade Peregrine is your friend!

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I read profiles if I'm trying to identify country of origin (to endeavour to establish probability of English not being a first language mostly). I am not especially bothered about privacy issues myself but I can understand how info could be misused. I frequently email stuff to forum members and that gives my real name from which more may be gleaned.


However people could include country of origin without worry IMO.

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I read profiles to have a deeper insight into what is written - it's mainly for age, gender and country of origin. It's easier to understand some posts if you know a little bit about its author.

And I like those with real pictures! I don't think I would have the courage to publish one of myself - suffering from a little bit of "pursuit illusion" (ok, that's babel-English, don't blame me, if that is not the correct translation! :huh: ) ...

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