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Walking through player items OBSE

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I need go through the items whoever touches an item. I can't it to work. The container won't set right. Number of Items: unknown


From the Beginning to the End

short invPos
short invCount
ref pInvObj
ref pCont
set pCont to YourDesiredContainer
set invPos to 0
set invCount to pCont.GetNumItems
While invPos < invCount
 set pInvObj to (pCont.GetInventoryObject invPos)
 ;Do whatever you want to do
 set invPos to invPos + 1


Taken from ES tutorials. I changed it to this:


Begin OnActivate

set pCont to player  ;getcontainer for anything activating it
set invPos to 0
set invCount to pCont.GetNumItems
While invPos < invCount
 set pInvObj to (pCont.GetInventoryObject invPos)
 printc "object name: %z"  pInvObj.getname	;<noname>  and no value for get value something 	{code removed to find the bug}
 set invPos to invPos + 1



I can't set the container/actor so the loop will not work. I'm stuck. If try to print the player name before the loop starts as a test, <no string>. How do I get this loop to work?

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I'm no expert with loops, strings or inventory objects - when I code it, it's a bit hit and miss and I simply try different things until it works. :P But to take a shot in the dark, what I would try is to store the strings in variables first.


string_var ObjectName
string_var WholeSentence

Begin OnActivate

set pCont to player  ;getcontainer for anything activating it
set invPos to 0
set invCount to pCont.GetNumItems
While invPos < invCount
 set pInvObj to (pCont.GetInventoryObject invPos)

 let ObjectName := pInvObj.getname
 let WholeSentence := "object name: " + $ObjectName
 printc $WholeSentence	;<noname>  and no value for get value something 	{code removed to find the bug}

 set invPos to invPos + 1



If it works, you might be able to cut out one of the string variables.

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For the record, I don't see anything wrong with your first script (it works fine for me).


The problem with the second script, as Lanceor suggested, is that PrintC only accepts variables as arguments, and not something like pInvObj.getname (that line even crashed my CS)


Anyway, ForEach is the way to go.

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>For the record, I don't see anything wrong with your first script (it works fine for me).


I can't get it to set the container. Will not work. Now, I need to read quest variables in other scripts(non-quest script). The editor won't allow it. See message about editor crashing on save when adding more dependent mods to my list

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To access quest variables, use <QuestEditorID>.<VarName>


QuestEditorID is the one in the list on the left of the Quest Window


Example: If you have a quest with the EditorID = MyQuest and the following script:


Scn MyQuestScript

Short SomeVarName

Ref AnotherVarName


You access those vars by: MyQuest.SomeVarName and MyQuest.AnotherVarName.


More info HERE

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