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Fur Wrapped Leather


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I thought this would be a good idea, but I just don't know how to do it myself, so I thought I'd request this. Check out this image, this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for, there isn't armor that looks EXACTLY like this yet. INCLUDING the weapons, if possible and a custom quiver that can be put on any type of arrows in the game to go with it!





You can DERIVE the female version from this, and include the weapons in this as well please.







Final Notes:


I hope someone makes it, because I just don't know how. This armor is actually fantastic looking, and more suitable for my play style. If someone has the time, or willing to make it, I'd appreciate it. If I need to donate to make it happen, I will - I want this armor, badly lol

Edited by ramakgaming
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I brought this to the attention of the armor author of such armors as Hedge Knight, and he said he'll put it on his request list, but he has a lot of projects on his plate right now, so it might not get done in a long long time, unless someone else with really good texturing skills could come up with this armor. I just don't want it to turn out bad. It has to look as identical as possible to what's in those pictures there.
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