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Pointing Races


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Can Somebody please help. Humans are easy. Argonians were a bit harder but no big deal. But Khajiits are just driving me up a wall!!!!!


The body parts for each race is pretty simple. Upper body goes with upper body. Tails go with tails. But what the heck is the story with this?


Body is HGEC Normal.


Figured out the kajiits weren't pointed in the right direction so I fixed that, now...




When I pointed to it there were only normal nipples. Where the heck is the foot dds? Are khajiits suppose to be pointed differently to use this mod?


Another one that is puzzling me is this one....




I wanted to use is to replace the Sky something Khajiits from BP. I got the guy righ on. But again I'm having issues with the chick. This time she shows up but her *censored* is on her hip.


Look I know guys are dogs and there are constant references to them on womens legs but I don't think this mod was meant to make it litteral.


Any idea on eigther of these or how I should point them?


Thank you.

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Funny thing is, Khajiit female and male share same foot texture by default, and it can cause problem when you use any body replacer, since almost all of body replacers use foot texture for body texture.(several body replacers use plugin to solve this problem, if not, you should make it to point footfemale.dds, if there is) And, you should use body texture for EC/HGEC when you use HGEC. Your first link is for stock body, so it does not affect to any body replacer(because body replacers do not use upperbody/lowerbody textures for stock bodies). For second link, you might choose wrong texture. Slof said there's EC texture, so find it and install it.
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