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Download speeds varying significantly server to server.


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Just curious as I have been away for a while, my subscription ran out and as I haven’t really been using the site much I have not renewed it yet, if I ever get back to the stage of making multiple mods a week I would be quicker to re-sub.


The free to use UK downloads server seems to be capped at around 10kb for me, as a UK resident with an awful ISP I would usually choose the UK server but have resorted to using the Texas 2 as it maintains closer to the 100kb mark at all times I have tried to download anything.


Anyway, just figured I should mention it.

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Servers will slow down when they have a lot of users downloading on it. Proximity to where you live doesn't factor in, from what's been explained to me.
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There is known server congestion on the london server, Dark0ne is working trying to find a solution, there is this on the front page and here is the forum link:




But the second texas server is usually the fastest.

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