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Legends of Tamriel

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My plan was to have Artaeum crash into the ocean somewhere near Skyrim or Vvardenfell. Then it would become a real island, in the water.

and ya i'm pretty sure Tolfdir would be dead. Considering he was like 80 in Skyrim.

Edited by TheBrownCow
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Name: Sahvithzoor (“Sah” – phantom; “Vith” – serpent; “Zoor” – legend = Legendary Phantom Serpent)


Age: Unknown


Gender: Male


Alignment: Neutral


Race: Dragon


Class: Ancient Frost Dragon


Deity: Akatosh


Personality: Sahvithzoor is friendly towards joorre when he can be. He would prefer to simply avoid hostile mortals, rather than fight them. He is thoughtful, and at the same time, quite talkative. He, like most dragons, loves to socialize – but instead of talking with his own kind, he would rather talk with humans.


Weapon: Claws, teeth, tail/wing bash, shouts. Though he can effectively utilize all shouts, his favorites are Ice Storm (similar to Alduin’s firestorm, but with icicles instead of meteors), Frost Breath, and Become Ethereal, the last of which has been invaluable in keeping him alive for the past millennia.


Appearance: Sahvithzoor is larger than your average Frost Dragon, though he also looks considerably older. His horns are lengthy and jagged, his claws deeply curved, and his back spikes long and sharp. His scales are white and pale grey, and his eyes are a pupil-less icy blue. Like all Frost Dragons, his hide has an opalescent shimmer. His tail barb is broken off, and a thick scar runs from just under his right wing across his belly and almost to his left leg. His head is slender, with the point of his snout curving upwards and a pair of chin horns growing down and back towards his neck.


History/background: Sahvithzoor was a part of – and remembers well – the time when dragons and humans coexisted peacefully. When Alduin’s rule turned to tyranny by the dragon priests, Sahvithzoor was one of the handful of dovah who sided with the joorre. Unfortunately, mortals grew to distrust even him, and he was forced to flee to Atmora.


When Alduin was cast into the future by the Kel, Sahvithzoor returned to Skyrim in hopes that things were back to normal. But they were not. Hatred for the dovah still burned strong amongst the joorre, and he was once again forced into seclusion, this time carving an existence for himself in the tall peaks between Volenfell (Hammerfell) and Keizaal (Skyrim). There, he waited out the next thousands of years.


Then, Alduin emerged into the world once more. Sahvithzoor was there on the peak of the Throat of the World with others of his kind when the Dovahkiin returned from Sovngarde at the Tiid-Ahraan. Unlike his zeymah, he did not lament the fall of Alduin. Rather, he saw it as an opportunity to restore the friendly bonds between mortals and dovahhe.


However, his endeavors to reestablish the old ways have proven fruitless thus far, and he has been driven into a state of depression. He hopes for the day when someone, somewhere, will actually call him friend again.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Hello guys. I am very sorry but I'm considering about leaving Legends of Tamriel. I haven't played Skyrim yet thus I'm unfamiliar with a lot of things. It's just too Skyrim based for me to be an active poster. :ohdear:
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Cyrus had enough of these Dragons and that pesky woman riding one. He flips through his book, finding nothing that would not require the Thu'um. So, he orders Death Squad, "Cast at will! DRIVE THEM OFF!" He himself starts launching ice spells, and shouts "This does not concern you! LEAVE!"



They've gone and left you know....(psst, don't even know how to quote ;D )

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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That is exactly my point! You attacked MY army, decided that your attacks HIT my army, sunk MY boat, and otherwise controlled elements that were ME! There is no controlling other characters, or deciding that your attacks hit! You know that rule, it is a common one among RPS, yet you willfully disobeyed it! You didn't even give me a chance to defend myself, as I was off doing things in my real life! This was an absolutely unfair attack!
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:rolleyes: here we go again


Place your bets! Place your bets! Another average name or Baldur anthology to win this arena battle of the ages!

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What did you expect? A woman obsessed with killing undead to not kill them, and just stand there and let them?


You miss my point, AAN. The point was, they were controlled by Cyrus, which is controlled by me. This makes them my controlled characters, and only I get to decide if you destroy my boat, and other elements controlled by me. You now sit on one strike and 2 warnings. Do not press your luck any further. AAN.

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