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Legends of Tamriel

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I know, it's just an *becomes spock* illogical sentence structure. I think '... promoted to legate' should come on the same line as it saying she was enrolled in the legion. It doesn't matter, it's just when I read it it sounded as though she was promoted to Legate for cooking :laugh:
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Well I only put that because she did become a legate on the game...be thankful I didn't make her the general ;D Mirabelle on Skyrim, became legate so...just thought it would fit, if she was just a soldier it would just be boring... Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Well I only put that because she did become a legate on the game...be thankful I didn't make her the general ;D


Technically, because it is 'The Imperial Legion' not 'The Imperial Legions', stating that it is one legion, legate would be incharge of... well, everything. :laugh: a general would be incharge of several legions. Bethseda did flawed research

Edited by Brutii
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LOL :tongue:


Legate is Actually like a captain, they control a fort, or they run the garrison of a town, or command over a camp. General is much higher, having the final say of every action that the legion plans on doing.


I thought they were modeled on ancient rome? Where a legate is incharge of a legion, while a general has several legates under his command, who in turn have captains under their comand, who have centurions under their command, who have several contubernium (tent groups of 8 men) under their command. So it ended up like this:


Contubernium: consisted of 8 men.


Centuria: (century) was made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a centurion .


Cohorts: (cohort) included 6 centurie, a total of 480 men, commanded by the roman equivalent to a captain (who I have forgotten the name for)


Legio: (Legion) consisted of 10 cohorts, about 5,000 men, commanded by a legate


Eques Legionis: Each legio had a cavarly unit of 120 attached to them, probably commanded by a cavalry captain


Then comes the Imperator (roman general or commander) who commands several legions


I assume that the imperial legion is actually more than one legion, because 5000 men is not enough to control an empire

Edited by Brutii
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