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Legends of Tamriel


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Waldo was slightly surprised, but then again, this man looked like good and honest, so it made sense that he was going to Markarth. When he mentioned his Farmhouse it took Waldo back, briefly to his mother and father. "I'm going the very same way, in fact, for a similar reason as well. The Jarl is to much of an influence of evil in the land. His presence upsets the balance. I must try to help regain control of Markarth and then, then the forces of good and evil will have to fight on one less battlefield" This man Waldo realized knew magic, in fact, he probably knew a lot of magic, the use of his flame cloak spell was just as much of an example. His nose was mottled with deforming scars and was bent, likely it had been broken at one time. Edited by TheBrownCow
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It was good to know that at least he wouldn't be the only one fighting against the Forsworn and (probably) the count. "Hmm, you too, then? If we're each going the same way, and for similar reasons, perhaps we could go together? Perfectly understandable if you don't, but two's better than one if there's a lot of Forsworn. Just something to consider." Rilgumskar surprised himself. He felt it was a little soon to be asking a stranger if they wanted to travel together. "I'm Rilgumskar, by the way." Still, this man seemed like the honest sort. Edited by Flipout6
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"Well I don't know, maybe we could meet up, seeing as you have to go your farm for a bit and I need to find Ju'Tun Zeel. I don't think I need to go with you there or you with me, so if that's alright with you than we can travel together, presuming you can catch up" Waldo grinned. Then, almost forgetting, he added "My names Waldo. Pleased to meet you Rilgumskar. If you don't mind I shall take my leave to search for the argonian. See you around" with that, Waldo walked off in search of the elusive green skinned, yellow faced argonian.
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Rilgumskar half-shouted to him "I guess I'll meet up with you back here in a little bit." He turned around, and swam across the river again, and dried himself off with a flame cloak spell, and began walking down the road to the farmhouse. (Getting more than a few odd looks along the way, seeing as he was surrounded by blazing hellfire.) He got back to the house, kicked his boots on the wall, and went in. He saw Themling first, so he pulled out the Black-Briar mead.

"Here, Themling, I got you something. A little good-bye gift until I come to see you guys again." He handed him the mead. His eyes went wide.

"Black-Briar mead! But this stuff is so expensive!"

"Yeah, but it's nice and strong, so you should like it. Besides, I can always pummel a bandit and take his gold if I'm poor."

"Thanks, brother. It was really good seein' ya for a bit. 'Till next time, eh?" Themling clasped his arm, and then promptly uncorked the mead.

Rilgumskar looked around for Sihilde, and found her putting new blankets on his bed for next time.

"Here. I got these for you. Don't tell Themling that you have two." He handed her the Honningbrew mead.

"Honningbrew mead! You know this is my favourite! But why do I have two?"

"A little apology for last night. You didn't deserve that kind of treatment." His face probably looked incredibly awkward.

"What do you mean? It was justified. I practically cornered you, and you were still grieving. Still are, even."

"Even so, take it. I'm leaving now anyway. Until next time." His sister hugged him, and he turned and left.


Rilgumskar swam across the river, and dried himself off with a flame cloak spell, again, and waited for Waldo at the docks.

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Waldo too a short trot to the waters edge on the opposite side of the dock. He noticed that a couple fishing boats were now beginning to dock. Waldo began to look. A few boats didn't even have argonians on them. He spotted an argonian boat not long after. A board were two blue and grey argonians. Not at all like Ju'Tun Zeel. The next boat, however, a green and yellow cheeked argonian stepped off of. He was bringing a full net of fish on to the dock when Waldo walked over to him. "Ju'Tun Zeel. After all these years, I hope you still remember me, old lizard" Waldo always liked to joke with people he'd known for a long time. "Waldo!" Ju'Tun began, his voice crackled and stopped him short. He coughed for a moment and began again. "Waldo, I can't believe you've come back. After, how many years? At least four"

"Yes, I have returned.You look... Different" Waldo replied.

"I've molted since we last met, and unfortunately, my egg mate, Kuar was killed a few months back. A Falmer raid on Morthal took his life. But lets keep in the present. Please tell me you've finished the book you borrowed. Or are you still on chapter one?" Ju'Tun gave a sharp toothed grin as he motioned for Waldo to follow him as he went to fetch another net. "Eh? No, surprisingly, I finished. Quite a while back now that I think about it. Not quite the same as the first book."

"They never are" Ju'Tun said almost automatically. After he had finished taking the last net back, Waldo took the book out of his pack. "I believe you are the rightful owner. I've enjoyed this talk. I just wish Pallir was still here to see your green scales!" Waldo handed him the book. "Pallir? Your brother is not well? Perhaps death has taken him?" Ju'Tun asked, in a very argonian way. "Yes, I supposed you could say that old friend. Pallir was corrupted quite a bit before his life ended. Necromancers were the cause" Waldos anger was present in his voice as he said this. "The necromancer population in here in Skyrim has skyrocketed.. No pun intended. But I suppose it's all due to the new count of Markarth. With him on the throne, every undead summoner from there to Riften feels like they can do whatever they want"

"That is why I am going to Markarth. To stop this reign, and bring some good back into the equation" Waldo felt as though he was being pressed for time, and although he wanted to stay and chat all afternoon, he knew they both had things to do. "Really? I hope that for our sake, especially Pallir's, that you succeed"

"Here, is where I must ask to take my leave, old friend. This has been a nice talk, but I must meet someone in a few minutes, and time is passing by. I hope, that we will eventually get to sit down and talk, fully, one day. Farewell Ju'Tun Zeel" Waldo nodded his head.

"Goodbye Waldo, good journey to you"


Waldo turned, and left. Weaving his way around people, he got back to the spot where Rilgumskar and he were set to meet. As he was getting there, he spotted Rilgumskar standing by a long ship. When he got to him Waldo said, "Alright Rilgumskar, How about you and me do walking? Are you up for it?"

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"Sure. Off to Markarth we go!" Rilgumskar replied. He was looking forward to travelling with someone with a similar goal, and also to bring down the jarl, should it come to that. "I have enough food supplies to last me for the whole walk. If I don't, I can always nail a deer with a lightning bolt. So, shall we?" Edited by Flipout6
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As Rorik entered High Hrothgar's great main chamber, Arngeir stopped his meditation and stood with far greater rapidity than his age would have led one to guess-or allow under normal circumstances. "You are not welcome here!" He shouted, his grizzled, crooked finger pointing at Rorik.


"Parthurnax has returned to the mountain. I will speak with him." Rorik said determinedly. He had no love for the Greybeards, arrogantly watching from on high, doing nothing even when the world beneath them burns.


"You will not! No one who has not learned the way of the voice shall ever set foot on the summit of this mountain!" Arngier said, his voice rasped slightly in exertion. He was truly in the twilight of his years now. "You use the Thu'um only for destruction and pain!"


"You pompous old fool!" Rorik shouted. "What destruction have I wrought? What evil have I done? I helped to win a war for Skyrim and I did so as much with my arms as my voice. What am I compared to your great Dovahkiin?!" Rorik was getting furious.


"He used his powers for the greater go-"


"Silence!" The hall shook and rumbled with the power of Rorik's draconian bellow as he shouted in the ancient tongue of the dragons. He resumed in the tongue of man, "He only killed and sought power! When did he debate with the dragons as I did? What souls has he given shelter and learned from? None! He devoured them for knowledge and power! And you dare lecture me! When you backed him purely because he faced Alduin! I could have defeated him as well! What dragons has your exalted Dovahkiin stopped from destroying entire holds just by speaking with them? What diplomacy has he ever used save the blade? How many days has he spent meditating over the use of the words of power? And who has he discussed them with?" Rorik strove to control his temper. Arngier was speechless and his mouth was gaping in rage.


Rorik strode towards the doors to the courtyard, by this time the other Greybeards had come to the antechamber. "Stop!" Arngeir shouted. "Oblaan!" (End->Stop) Arngeir yelled, but his voice was fading with age and only slowed Rorik's next step slightly. Arngeir inhaled deeply and his companions followed suit.




"Spaan-Vahlok-Nus!" Rorik interrupted and the roar of more than a score of dragons echoed through the halls and shook the great temple.


"Dah!" The Greybeards finished. A great tempest of power and sheer force charged toward Rorik but when the immense wall of energy had nearly reached him it seemed to part like water round him. The torches in the room behind him sputtered and died, pots flew and shattered, metal urns slammed against the stone wall denting in and chipping away the ancient rock. Rorik kept walking towards the great metal doors as the Greybeards tried in vain to thwart him.


As he neared the doors he bellowed "Liz-Slen-Nus!" and all but Arngeir were frozen in ice. The grizzled old man was left infuriated and bewildered as his extremely underestimated foe entered the courtyard and approached the great gate to the path of the summit of the Throat of the World and paused in the blistering wind and falling snow.

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Chiranji and Sa'virr walked slowly towards the chamber Chiranji's mother was in. After all, she had disappeared when Chiranji was just a young girl, she would never leave her carelessly. One final door was in their way after the walk towards the chamber. "Chiranji. Sister. Are you prepared to see your mother again after years of mourning?" Raksada put his hand on the cold handle of the door, ready to push it open. Chiranji did not respond to her brother's question for a few seconds, but spoke up. "Yes.. I am ready." Raksada opened the doors. "Very well." The body of the alive mother was there on a resting bed. "Mother." Chiranji gasped, staring at the rotting mother in horror. A flashback ensued.
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After a long and uneventful journey Shadow had finally arrived at Markarth. He had to stop often because of the vampirism he could not travel during daytime so he spent it either in taverns or caves. His enchanted amulets and rings allowed him to walk in sun but only if there were shadows he could hide in.


The vampire knew where to go once he arrived here. He had to meet the Lord of Markarth himself. Not the most pleasant man according to rumors and countless stories. Without wasting any time Shadow went to meet the said person. "I am looking for the Lord of Markarth." He said as he entered the palace.

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