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Legends of Tamriel


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Selene smiled, and said "Before i let you find something of mine... I'm going to have to find something of yours... What could i do hmm... that would make you into a state of bliss and pleasure? I need you to help me find the bloodstone chalice... but first... i suppose i should find... something for you." She said, caressing her hands down his body.
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"The bloodstone chalice? It wouldn't happen to be a large spiky metal chalice, grayish in color, that when filled with water from Redwater Springs, with the blood of a powerful vampire added to counteract the effects, gives the vampire who drinks from it incredible power, would it?" Cyrus says, gently running a finger from the nape of Selene's neck, down her torso,over one of her breasts, and then to her waist, where his arm looped around and held her closer. "It just so happens, I had been exploring Redwater Caverns many years ago, before I became Jarl, and took it from a dead vampire. It is the most secured item in my treasury. Perhaps you would like to see it?"
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"Yeah, sure, let's head over the bridge." Rilgumskar adjusted his sword and the rest of his gear so that he would be ready for the long haul. He wondered what Waldo had against necromancers, and also wondered how he managed to haul around an axe the size of a child across the entire province. Still, Rilgumskar could see the two becoming good friends in the future, if Waldo was as honest as he appeared to be.
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After another rather boring journey, Shadow reached Falkreath. Luckily for him it was nighttime which meant that he will be able to kill his target tonight.


The vampire left Shadowmere in the town stables and made his way to Falkreath Hold where hopefully he will find the Jarl. Once inside he sneaked past the guards into the private quarters of the Hold. It was late and according to the information he... gathered the Jarl should be sleeping in his quarters. The only problem was: he did not know where the bedroom was.


Some time later, after a bit of wandering Shadow finally found the bedroom. First, he peeked through the door and looked around for anything suspicious. Everything seemed in order so he quietly sneaked in the room and carefully closed the door behind him. The Jarl was sleeping loudly in his bed. Shadow looked around the room, maybe he will find something worth 'borrowing' but he couldn't find anything that interested him.


He approached the bed with his dagger ready. Shadow wondered should he wake the Jarl up or kill him in his sleep? One way or another the job will be done but which one is more enjoyable? He was still considering the ways how to do it when suddenly someone shouted "Oi!" in the hallway. The vampire froze. Someone was coming. He quickly pulled his dagger out and cut the Jarl's throat swiftly. The man's eyes opened as he grabbed his throat, his eyes wide with horror. The Jarl gurgled something and tried to get out of the bed but he only fell on the floor dead right in front of Shadow.


"Done." The assassin thought to himself and climbed through the window outside and made his way to the stables as quickly as possible so he could report the news to Cyrus.

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The two of them started to head out, going through the city again. They came out the front gates and onto a the great that connected the land to front Windhelm. The bridge was quite a wonder, it was very thick and wide, but now, it seemed to be quite dirty. The seagulls were swarming up above making there shadows dance across the bridge. As they came to a mini building upon the bridge the guards nodded to them in greeting. Waldo nodded as well.
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Passing into the wilderness, Rilgumskar and Waldo made their way towards Markarth. Rilgumskar for one was fully aware that the journey would take days, as Markarth was on the other side of the province. It was a good thing he had bought a good supply of food before leaving Windhelm, otherwise it was quite possible to starve walking all the way across a province. A freezing wind gust of wind made Rilgumskar draw his cloak and hood tighter around him, and he considered the use of a flamecloak spell, but he didn't want to risk accidentally turning Waldo into a well-done dragon snack. Walking further onward, Rilgumskar found himself surprised that they hadn't been attacked by wolves yet. Or bandits,or dragons, or trolls. Then he figured they were scared of Waldo's axe. It would make sense. Rilgumskar half-smiled to himself walked on, hearing a twig snap somewhere ahead. He got ready for a fight, but didn't expect much.
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